And I am, even if it isn't going to be easy. With Ira, Hale and Cian, I'm going to kill him, and I'm going to feel good about it. He killed me, and even though I'm immortal now, the resentment and hate I have within me for him is only growing with every moment.

"Then go, Amolet. Give Cian my best wishes," she smiles, gently pushing me away. I swear I see tears start to well in her eyes, but regardless, I turn, knowing there is nothing else for me to do here, to say to these woman.

Thea holds the vines back for me, giving me a lasting smile before I step into the darkness, feeling it pull me in, consuming my every cell. The feeling is physical, like something is winding itself around me, and then I drop, free falling through the darkness with nothing to grasp onto.

With my eyes squeezed shut, I let out a silent scream, until my feet hit ground suddenly. Not in a way that jolts pain through my ankles, but like I've just appeared into existence again.

My eyes flutter open. This is not what I expected.

For some reason, I thought I would be lucky enough to be transported straight into the Harmony Pack, even right to my apartment. But instead, I'm standing in a snowy labyrinth, any sign of civilisation in the distance blocked by a thick layer of trees.

Unless of course there is no civilisation, and I've been dropped in the middle of nowhere.

Sighing, I wrap my jacket further around myself, and start walking straight forward. Icy wind seeps through my clothing, my limbs aching almost immediately. But there is no way out of this, and being that I'm now immortal, the cold isn't going to be what kills me.

I'm not sure how long I walk, wary of every shadow and snap of ice that I step onto. Snow is everywhere, and the longer I go, the more I decide I never want to see it ever again, and am quite content in the Harmony Pack from now on.

Just as I think I'm about to go mad, through the trees, I spot a road. Biting my lip, I rush toward it, forcing my frozen limbs into actions as I leap over fallen branches and skid over ice.

With my breath fogging in front of me, I look to either side of the road. The road doesn't seem to lead anywhere, although across a frozen field, I can see a fairly large home.

Love Pack...This has to be, with all the snow. Although it's sparsely populated, so maybe Independence Pack, although there aren't many mountains on the horizon.

Smothering my grin, I make a run for the house.

I've seemed to underestimate the size of the house as I approach it. It stands out magnificently, and to the left, a large lake that has frozen over. I would be jealous, but I couldn't imagine living in this climate.

I don't hesitate, rushing up the stairs to knock promptly on the front door.

I don't have to wait long, a young woman opening the door to look out warily. "Hello..."

"Hi. My name is Amolet," I greet, trying not to make my teeth chatter. "I'm freezing."

The girls eyes widen. She's pretty, her dark red hair loose and long over her shoulders. If I'm in the Love Pack, she doesn't look as though she belongs here. I don't question it though, glad to see a friendly looking face.

"Come in, quick. A snow storm is about to start," she encourages, holding the door open. She's right, the sky grey and intimidating.

I rush into the house, rubbing my here together as warmth immediately envelops me. "Thank you so much."

"You have no good clothing. What happened?" She notes, looking over me with a shocked gaze. She's right. I mean, the last place I was in the weather was mild, so I have only a thin jacket on and pants. Even my shoes are soaked from dredging through the snow for count las hours.

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