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Grinny screams in angony as she plumets from the pieces of the moon through remnants atmosphere.

Grinny hits the ground like a meteor making a crator 2 meters in diameter.

Grinny says: auw that really hurts i mean i have fallen from orbit before but that time it actually hurt.

Grinny looks around not knowing where she is all she can see is trees and alot of snow.

Grinny questions: where the hell am i when am i how long did those two egomaniacs keep me up there?!

Grinny thinks: alright remain calm remember what moma thaught you "when 2 brother gods take your world and lock you in a giant hunk of rock stay calm" i just realized that was very specific.

Grinny decided not to think more of it and instead find a way out of where she was.

Trying to make wings with her hate only amounted to her accidentily jumping of the cliff she didn't see thanks to the snow storm.

Grinny paniks: shit shit shit where did this damn cliff come from.

She sees the ground rapedly aprouching and knows what's about to come next 'oh fuck' is the last thing she says before slaming hard into ground for the second time today.

When Grinny came too she noticed her arm was broken her humerus sticking out and a black substance covering her face,arm and the ground she hated when she got hurt not the getting hurt part but the healing part the biggest draw back too her power whas that it healed her without sedation so she felt when black tenderils came out of her arm and pulled her bone back in healing the wound.

Grinny thought: ugh great my powers work they just dont listen just what i need right now.

Suddenly she heard growling coming from the bushes next to her and out came a big wolf standing on its hine limbs with big bony armor plates all over its body.

Grinny thought out loud: oh great now what the hell is that thing?

As she stood up the creature charched at her swinging its arm to crush her she quikley ducked under receving a back hand from the wolf sending her flying angainst a tree 'alright if you want to play like that i'll play like that' she said charging at the wolf.

The wolf went in for a bite while Grinny jumped up slamming her foot right on top of its head bringing the wolf to the ground while it struggeld under her she reached down and janked one of its theeth out and slammed it in its eye it howeld in pain and jumped up and on its back crushing Grinny beneath it she heard her ribs crak and break as she yelled in pain she then used the wolfs tooth to slit its throat killing it.

As she got the wolf off her she screamed again as her hate pulled her ribs together again.

'I will never get used to my damn healing factor' Grinny breathed out sitting up against a tree.

She watches as the wolf she killed slowly fades away into dust 'well atleast there self cleaning' Grinny laughed to herself.

Standing up again she picked a direction and started walking singing to herself along the way.

'The clock stopped ticking'

'Forever ago'

'How long have i been up'

'I don't know'

'I can't get a grip yet i can't let go'

'There wasn't anything to hold onto ,though'

'Why can't i see'

'Why can't i see'

'All the collours'

'That you see?'

'Please can i be'

'Please can i be'

'Colourfull and free'
(Song echo by Gumi i think)

She was knocked out of her singing by a loud schreech coming from above looking up she saw a giant bird circeling her.

'NO one stops me from singing a good song from a great artist especialy not an overgrown pidgeon like you' Grinny screamed at the nevermore a giant bird with the same bone plating the wolf had.

Looking for something to throw at it she spotted a giant bolder easily twice her size, using her hate she lifted the bolder with both hands and threw it at the nevermore slamming into it and knocking the giant turkey to the ground.

Running to where it crashed she finnally noticed it was way bigger then her that didn't stop her from climbing on and starting too punch it in the eyes,this greatlly upset the nevermore with it starting to fly again with Grinny on top of it still punching it's eyes she finally realized that her punching was barely doing anything against the nevermore only disoriantating it she didn't have time to ponder anything else as the nevermore started shaking violently trying to shake her of and it worked she coudn't hold on any more and was flung of imediantly followed by razor sharp fethers being shot of after her impaling and pinning her to the ground.

As she was impaled to the ground she qould only think about how much agony she was in having been impaled twice in her chest a feather in both her right leg and left arm and a big feather having cleaved right through her cheak exposing her white theeth.

She could not move only wait and hope her hate would be able to pull these giant feathers out of her body, it was now that she wished she was back to her normal self when the pain of healing barely stung and where wounds like these where just a nuisance.

For some reason the nevermore flew of probably not able to see her through the thick of the snow storm that was blowing and disoriantated thanks to Grinny still being able to grab a miny feather and stab it in the eye of the nevermore before she got thrown off and impaled by the feathers.

Finally after what felt like an eternaty in agony the hate tendrills yanked the feathers out and started to heal her wounds 'maybe that was not a good idea' Grinny thought outloud just happy it was over.

'I could really use drink maybe some whisky or Leffe Ruby he Ruby kinda a cute name for a flavor of beer. Grinny said as she stood up again.

As she kept walking she came upon a cliff and peered over finnally her eyes glistend as she saw a giant city 'on a floating island' she questioned but she didn't care finally she found civalization, she just hoped the people where nice enough to let her in.

Then she heard a screech 'oh fuck' was the last thing she said before being crushed


(The world of rwby where this story is based in is not mine and is owned by roosterteeth and the creators of RWBY)

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