"Seems like we've gotten a Chinese baby here to buy from me" he said with an amused tone that led to the people around releasing a few snickers and laughs. 

Why do all of them have to be racist?  he thought to himself.

"I'm not Chinese, I'm Korean."

"Same thing"

"I'm here for the same reason all these other men are. You have something that I want, something that I need."

"And who are you exactly?"

"Someone who is willing to make the best deal of your life"


"I know you are in it for the money, and don't worry I have plenty. But I could use the help from a man like you. I want a partnership"

Other people deliberately listening in on their conversation gasped. That really was the best deal he could get.

"Why should I believe you?"

"I checked the statistics, the productivity levels produced if we both form an alliance will be at an all-time high for the both of us. It will be raining money" he said making the latter's eyes light up.

"And this is not me doing you a favor. This is necessary. That's why I am not going to stop until I have you on my team"

"You studied the 'statistics' huh?"

"You of all people should trust me on this. As you know, all Asians are great at math" he said making Vallencini break out into laughter.

Taehyung internally groaned. Of course, only a racist joke would make you more liked in a place like this. That was the time Taehyung really did wish he was a cop.

"Oi Vey, I like you boy. Come on, bring it in" he said as he opened his arms wide. "Then consider it deal done"

Taehyung wasn't surprised. Italians loved hugging, it was their version of a handshake and so as taehyung hugged him, he slipped the key card out of his pocket and placed a decoy back in a blink of an eye.

He was so skilled that no one suspected a thing.

"Now if you don't mind, I'm going to go find my seat for the auction. Pleasure doing business with you" Taehyung says with a slight smirk as he walks away from the group.

Done. This mission, like many before it, was a success.

So Taehyung decided to celebrate with a drink. He realized he had been doing that quite a lot these days.

His missions and the rewarding alcohol at the end of it was the only thing distracting him from thoughts. Thoughts he would hate to mention out loud, because it would only bring back the pain that associated with it.

Jungkook sighed as he slumped into his chair. He was watching the cameras intently the whole time and he knew that Taehyung already had the card with him. Once again the mission was done, so quickly. Why was Taehyung pushing himself so much like this? It concerned Jungkook so much.

His eyes, then caught something else on the monitor...something VERY familiar. "Oh no"

"Hyung?" Taehyung heard Jungkook say into his ear piece and Taehyung groaned.

"Kook, I'm still in the venue. You can't talk to me yet"

"No Hyung you don't understand-"

"Kook, we are not having this talk again!"

"Hyung you have to listen to me, that person is here!"

"Huh? What person?"

Jungkook did not want to mention her name because he had been avoiding it for the past two years. He did not want to see his hyung re-live all those moments.

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