CHAPTER 2: "The different type of ghosts."

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Last night sure was one of the wildest times Hikaru had ever experienced; and he hoped it was all but a dream.

But it wasn't because when Hikaru woke up that morning, he was greeted by the ghost god Sai's voice telling him good morning.

Hikaru had a right yell at Sai for that, and then afterwards made up a new rule: Never talk to him unless he was spoken to first.

Sai had nodded in agreement to that.

Then afterwards, Hikaru had to go to school...


...At school, it went as normal as any other school day would go with a ghost god following you every step of the way; and with only you being able to see it.

And that ghost 'awwing' and 'ohhing' at absolutely anything and everything that caught his eyes.

Hikaru had swopped his shoes, headed for his classroom and would now wait for the teacher to come into the room in about 5 minutes from now.

But when Hikaru entered, he was instantly confronted by his dear friend: Akari; who ran up to him in tears and hugged him.

Hikaru was almost knocked over by her; and Sai had watched next to him in astonishment.

"Oh Hikaru, you are okay!" Akari had burst into tears whaleing at this whole thing.

Hikaru held her by the hips and steadied his feet so they both wouldn't fall, and he looked at her in shock.

So, she had heard?

"Whoa, Akari. Chill it. I'm fine, I promise." Hikaru tried to reassure her.

She let go and looked Hikaru in the face: "When I heard that you had passed out at your Grandpa's place and was sent to the hospital, I was so worried and couldn't sleep that night. I promise you I wanted to come, I really wanted to come see you at the hospital, but my mom wouldn't allow it."  She sniffed then.

"R...Really now?" Hikaru couldn't help a nervous laugh, and he rubbed the back of his head and thought: 'Thank goodness she didn't actually come. It was like a nightmare in there.'

Akari saw his laughter and yelled out: "Don't laugh! It isn't funny! I was worried sick!!"

"Alright alright, I'm sorry..." Hikaru's voice trailed off as now the teacher was stepping in the classroom to start the lesson.

Sai watched the teacher in curiosity...


...It was time for lunch break now, and Hikaru was going to go off and go get some lunch at the cafeteria, but most of the male students in his class started to surround him even before he could even get up from his desk.

He was barbaded by questions after questions about how was it like to be at the hospital.

Hikaru would be happy to tell them all if one: He wasn't unconscious for the most part, and two: If he wasn't fighting a friggin' demon with a ghost god in another friggin' dimension!

So in the end, Hikaru just settled them off with just answers like: 'It was ok', or 'Yeah, nothing excitable' and stuff, before finally leaving them dissappointed to leave the classroom.

Once out, YES, FREEDOM!

While walking down the corridors of the school now and heading towards the cafeteria, Sai had gone closer to Hikaru's side now; still looking around in awe and seeing all the small learning students.

He eventually looked at Hikaru, and he spoke; even though he knew he wasn't allowed to unless he was spoken to first. He just couldn't help it. Having company and being quiet the whole time was super hard and not fun at all:

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