CHAPTER 1: "Enter the god ghost: Fujiwara no Sai."

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It was a long day at school today for Hikaru Shindo: A 12 year old young boy who goes to school and studies hard on lessons that he 'should' be learning, but for the most part, he spends most of his days fighting sleep or boredem.

But finally, the day was over and all of that could be forgotten now and he could leave the building and go to his grandpa's house again today. He hasn't been for 3 days now because he was too busy with homework; which he wanted to do them all this weekend, but his mom insisted he'd do it when he gets it during this week. So he had to just suck that up.

But he got to the entrance hall of the school with a smile on his face, and he replaced his school shoes with his normal shoes and at the same time planned to take out his mobile phone and call his mom.

That action was interrupted though when he suddenly felt a light tap on his shoulder in the middle of putting on his shoes, and when he looked up, he saw his beaming friend: Akari Fujisaki. She was the same age as him.


"Hey Hikaru." Akari smiled at him leaning slightly forward and holding her hands behind her back. It looked like she was ready to leave because her normal shoes were on.

"What's up?" Hikaru asked her in curiosity, and finished putting his shoes on. He stood up straight after leaning against his locket, and he faced Akari.

"I was wondering if we could hang out together." She answered sweetly. She seemed excited and with a plan.

"No way." Hikaru glanced away with a frown and couldn't help but go a little red in the cheeks. He tried to look casual then by putting his hands in his pants pockets.

"What?" Akari couldn't help an annoyed frown herself, and she said back at him: "But it's not weird or anything. You hung out with me plently of times now."

"But I wonna go to my grandpa's house." Hikaru almost rolled his eyes.

"Then let me come."

"No. You'd ruin it all with your useless chatter about your usual girly stuff."

"You're so mean Hikaru!"

"No I'm not!" Hikaru looked her in the face now arguring back.

But Akari wasn't having it, and she stuck out her tongue: "Fine then! Go by yourself!" And she then stomped off out of the building in a huff with Hikaru watching her heels.

Then he sighed exasperatly and mumbly asked himself: "What is her problem?"

But whatever. Hikaru rolled his eyes and took out his phone from his pocket and dialed in his mom's number, and then he waited for her to pick up.

As usual, it didn't take her long to answer it, and her voice was heard through the speakers: "Hikaru?"

Hikaru held the phone to his ear: "Hi Mom."

"You okay?" She asked then; with concern filling her voice as if he was calling because something was wrong.

But nothing was wrong, and Hikaru shook his head and smiled: "No, yeah I'm fine. I'm just going to grandpa's house. I'll stay for dinner too."

"Oh. Is that all?" His mom asked; sounding a little relieved now: "Need anything?"

"Nah. I'm fine thanks. I'll see you later. Bye." He hung up then and smiled. He then headed out of the school building in the dark with his umbrella, and started to leave and head to his grandpa's...

...It was never a long walk to school from his home, or his home to his grandpa's, or his grandpa's to his school. Not at all. And besides, it was mostly a pleasent and slow walk for him; mostly when he was on his own. And it wasn't raining right now; which was a good bonus.

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