Left me with a Rose - Drake

570 9 11

TW: major character death.

Jake was smiling as he stood in front of Drew who had a surprised expression on his face.

A rose was held in Jake's hand.

The moonlight hit Jake's hair and made it glimmer radiantly.

Drew stared at his boyfriend and could hardly get his words out.

'Jake...?' Drew asked.

Jake giggled a little before putting his other hand behind his neck and rubbing it embarrassingly.

'It's not much... but I wanted to give you something that showed how much I like you...' Jake said in a sweet voice and he walked closer to Drew.

A few tears began to fall from Drew's eyes and he took the rose before hugging Jake lovingly.

Jake returned the hug and gave Drew small kisses on his ear.

The couple sat back down on the bench and Drew had his head leaned into Jake's shoulder.

Drew held Jake's rose closely to his heart and smiled softly.

'I love you, Drew.' Jake whispered.

'H-huh?' Drew replied in confusion. He hadn't quite heard Jake.

Jake sat up straight on the bench and took a deep breath.

'I'm not good with words, but maybe this will make more sense...' Jake said and he leaned over toward Drew and put his hand on his cheek to kiss him.

Drew started to cry as he embraced the kiss and held Jake gently.

After they parted Jake stood up in front of Drew and put his hand on his heart.

'I promise to love you forever... my heart beats for you and only you, Drew.'


A few weeks later

Drew walked down the corridors of the school with an emotionless expression.

The place that he had been going to for years and had so many memories with almost feels like an unknown place.

Everything is zoned out and grey.

The sounds of other students droned through Drew's ears as he walked toward the music room.

He was scared. So scared...

Everything had Jake's name over it.

Liam and Henry walked up behind Drew and Liam grabbed Drew's hand.

'Hey, buddy...' Liam said sadly.

Drew looked up at Liam with a frown and nodded. His hair hadn't been combed and eye bags from where he hadn't slept were visible.

'How are you?' Henry asked.

Drew blinked his eyes aggressively in an attempt not to cry and he forced a smile on his face.

'I'm great!'

Liam exchanged glances with Henry before they both hugged him comfortingly.

'Don't lie, Drew. It's okay to not be okay... everyone is fragile at the moment.' Liam whispered into Drew's ear as Drew started to cry hysterically in his friends' arms.

Once Drew pulled away from Henry and Liam, he looked back up at them with teary eyes.

'I have something to do... something to set straight, and something to apologise for.'

Liam and Henry smiled at Drew. They knew what he meant.

The door of the music room was wide open and everyone in the club was huddled together.

'Um...' Drew said as he knocked on the door.

Hailey looked shocked to see Drew standing there, but wiped her tears before walking up to him with a smile.

'Hey uh... Drew.' She said with an obvious lump in her throat.

Everyone in the club looked tired and exhausted from crying.

Jake seemed to have a massive impact on everyone...

Drew looked at Hailey with empathetic eyes.

'Can I... come in?' He asked.

Hailey nodded and Drew walked into the middle of the room.

Everyone turned around to see Drew and Zander's face turned into an annoyed expression.

'Don't say you're here to make fun of us... please don't say that. I worry that any more of your bullying would completely break me.' Zander said, half shouting, half trying not to cry.

Drew had never seen Zander so upset and drained of energy. He thought he had hated Jake.

'I have no reason to be anything but kind to you all... Jake always kept on about how great you all were. I was jealous. I wanted him all to myself.'

'Must've loved him a little too much...' Drew said while muttering off toward the last line.

Everyone's heads were turned up and facing Drew.

Luke was holding onto Zander while Milly was crying into Sean's neck... and Hailey... she stood in front of Drew, nearly in tears.

'We all loved him a little too much, even Zander...' Hailey said with a brave smile.

Drew looked at Hailey and finally began to cry.

'I came here to say sorry... for everything. For the bullying... for doubting you all... for being an idiot.'

'I'd gladly give my life if it meant saving his. I'd do it any day...'

Everyone was listening to Drew and they all stood still... frozen almost. Broken. Lost?? There aren't many words to describe it.

Hailey's pupils dilated scaredly and she immediately ran up to Drew and hugged him.

'DON'T SAY THAT- please don't say that...' Hailey shouted as she comforted Drew and hugged him tightly.

'I was horrible to you... all of you. I deserve everything that comes to me. Damn... I never even deserved him.' Drew cried while he wiped his nose with his hoodie sleeve.

Drew pulled away from Hailey and looked back up at the rest of the club while still crying.

He put his hand into his hoodie pocket and pulled out a dead rose.

Jake's rose...

Drew smiled faintly.

'Jake gave me this rose and promised to always love me... he told me that his heart would always beat for me...'

'But how can it if his heart no longer works?'

Everyone's hands were placed over their mouths by the end of Drew's heartbreaking speech and they all ran up to hug him.

Even Zander was in tears.

'Heart failure. That's what the doctors called it.'

'His heart stopped working.' Drew said in a small, sad voice.

Luke rubbed Drew's back reassuringly while the others hugged Drew.

Hailey looked up at Drew and tried to fake a smile. It didn't work. She just ended up crying more.

'That just means that we'll have to love you for him... right?' Hailey whispered gently.

Drew's eyes continued to fill with teardrops and he flopped into the music club members' arms.

They all stood there and cried together.

Nobody was alone.

They never would be.

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