Craving your touch (5)

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Megan stood in front of the mirror and sighed as she got ready for work. She was preparing for work and she felt scared.

She felt scared to go. She knew how David had become and how control he become and she was scared. She knew what he had done to her and she knew that she should open up and tell someone, Hannah any,one but she couldn't. She was terrified. Megan looked as David walked into the room and looked to her

"your not dressing like that" he said as she frowned

"why what's wrong with it" Megan asked as he looked to her and frowned

"you look like a tart and I said so" he said as he grabbed her face in his hands. His nails dug into his jaw

"I'll change I'm sorry" Megan said as he nodded

"and I don't want you near him, you opened your legs for him like the whore you are I don't want you near him"

"I work with him"

"then maybe you should look at another job" David said as Megan fought back the tears in her eyes "you don't need to worry I won't see him" Megan said

she knew that this change in him scared her and she didn't want to answer him anymore than he seemed to be right now

Megan got to work. She stood in the staffroom and glanced around. She loved her job and she loved waterloo road and she wanted to be here but she knew how things were with David and she knew how it made her feel. It made her feel as if she didn't know who she was anymore and she was scared.

Hannah walked in and frowned as she looked to Megan

"you can't teach dance in that, come on Meg, this isn't you" Hannah said as Morgan sighed

"I'm fine" Megan said as Hannah looked to her and rolled her eyes

"no you are not fine, you are terrified, you need to get rid of David. He is bad, he is controlling and he is scaring you and this isn't healthy, you are like a ghost this isn't you, I know you. I am your best friend and I know you and you can't keep doing this. You have to end it" Hannah said as Megan looked to her and frowned

"I can't" Megan said as Hannah looked to her and sighed.

Hannah was worried over Megan, she knew David was breaking Megan piece by piece and she knew that she wasn't going to stick around and watch it happen

Tom walked into Hannah's classroom and looked to her

"I need to talk to you over Megan, your her best friend and you know over her and you know over this David and I don't like the sound of him. You know that we were having an affair and you still supported her. I need to know what is going on with Megan, I know that you know please I care about her" Tom said as Hannah looked to him and smiled

"I do and she's in trouble and I need your help. He's hurting her and we need to help her" Hannah said as Tom looked to her and frowned realising it was worse then he realised

Craving your touch *T. Clarkson*Where stories live. Discover now