"I understand," Lance said with a sigh.


It had been a few days since the twins had met Lance. Tomorrow was the day that Lance was set to return back to Cranston, despite Keith telling Lance that their time was over, he couldn't help but feel a wave of sadness rush over him.

'It's cause he's leaving me again, he's leaving us again,' Keith thought with a sigh. He was currently doing dishes from dinner while the twins were cleaning the playroom. Normally it was clean but Keith had other thoughts in his head and had let it get a little too messy.

He turned as he heard the doorbell ring. He checked the time of the stove to see it was seven in the evening. He wasn't expecting anyone so he was confused on who could be at the door. Shiro and Adam would have messaged him saying they were coming over, same with Krolia and Kolivan. Allura and Romelle had already headed back to Cranston, apparently Romelle was moving there for work and they had plans to move Romelle into Allura's apartment. It was the triplets' bed time soon so he doubted it was Shay or Hunk.

That only left-

Keith shook the thoughts away and headed to the front door, tossing the hand cloth on the counter as he exited the kitchen. He opened the door and froze seeing a not so familiar face. She looked familiar but Keith couldn't put his finger on it.

"Hello Keith, I'm Nyma," Nyma said with a soft smile. "I'm sorry for dropping in on you like this but I needed to speak with you. Can I come in?"

Oh. So that's why he recognized her. This was Nyma, Lance's fiancée. The woman he was supposed to be marrying.

"Uh, yeah," Keith said with a nod stepping aside to let Nyma inside. He led her to the living room and the pair sat down on the couch.

"We've never met but Lance has told me about you," Nyma said as she pulled her jacket off and sat it on the couch behind her. "I'm sure you're wondering why I'm here."

"Is it a new way of dropping off wedding invitations?" Keith joked lightly, cringing at his own try at a 'joke'.

"Wedding invitation? Didn't Lance tell you?" Nyma asked, a confused look forming on her face.

"Tell me what?" Keith asked.

"We called the wedding off," Nyma said showing her hand which no longer held the engagement ring she would wear. "Lance talked to his parents and told them the truth. Did he not tell you?"

"He never did," Keith said with a shake of his head. "Wait, what do you mean he told his parents the truth?"

"The truth, about his sexuality, about you two, and about your twin girls," Nyma explained.

"Wha-how? We talked about him eventually telling his parents when we dated but he was always afraid of what would happen. After what happened with his sister Veronica."

"Well, he didn't willingly do it," Nyma said with a sigh. "It was kind of forced to come out."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, you see..."


Lance had just started packing his suitcase to leave in a few days, Hunk and Shay had wanted to stay a week more the triplets had gotten home sick and so it was decided that they would leave in a few days instead.

He tossed his jacket on the bed beside the blue leather suitcase when he heard a knock at his hotel room door. There was no call of "housekeeping" or "room service" after it so he thought it might be Hunk or Shay (doubtful, Shay and him weren't exactly on the same side). He opened it and was surprised to find his mother on the other side, a smile on her face.

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