"Christian, how do you feel about college?" Lera asks suddenly, her elegant fingers moving to gloss over ever inch of my face.

"What do you mean Leers?" I reply, trailing my hands up and down her spine.

"Like, I don't know, just, how do you feel about going off to college?" She eyes my warily as I think of an answer.

"This seems like a trick question Leers. In what sense do you mean?"

She buffs, clearly irritated at my lack of answers.

"I mean, how do you feel about being so far away all the time and being around new people. "

Hold on...

"Are you insinuating that I'm bad at making new friends?" I ask teasingly, continuing to play with her hair.

"No you dummy, it's just, next year we're going to be so far apart, and you'll surrounded all the time by all these people your age that are so much better than me." Lera blurts out, no longer looking up at me.

"I'll be back every chance I get, my schools less than 2 hours away if I blow the speed limit," I start, earning a laugh out of her pretty mouth, "and secondly, it's not like I'm going to forget about you when I meet new people. That could never happen." I finish, my voice turning soft as I brush the side of her cheek with my thumb.

"Yeah but, I'm just some random high school kid, I'm not going to be at college for another 2 years. I think being here together for the summer has been a taste of what being together could be like, but it's just not realistic for our relationship. I don't know, I guess I'm just nervous that you'll realize you're too good for me, and that you'll find someone more perfect for you..." She trails off, a soft sniffling noise coming from her.

I sit up higher on my elbow, my other arm only wrapping her tighter to my chest.

Where is all of this insecurity coming from? Does she not realize she's literally the most beautiful, amazing, statistically impossible perfect person for me? She's practically been moulded for me, and she doesn't even realize.

"Why are you so insecure Leers?" I whisper, my mind running with thoughts I don't want to be thinking.

"Because, you're kind, and funny, and practically the guy that every girl dreams of. I'm not naive, I know how relationships can break with distance and everything else going on. I just, I don't think I can deal with something happening between us-" I don't let her finish as I cut her off.

"You know I'd never, ever cheat on you right? You know you're the only person for me, ever. There won't ever be other girls, I love you. And only you."

"Yes, of course I know you'd never cheat, I didn't even consider that. I mean, we may as well save each other the heartbreak if we know the long distance won't work." She says, shifting herself so she's no longer lying on top of me.

"You want to break up?!" No no no no no, this can't be happening, nononono...

"No, I don't want to, but if it's not going to be the best thing for either of us we should do it now before we get too attached." She protests, standing up and wiping her eyes. I follow suite, standing up and reaching out to hold her. She steps away from my outstretched arm, instead wrapping herself in a hug.

"Leers, I am attached, and I can't live without you, please. We can make it work." I whisper the last part, pleading with her.

"I'm sorry." She let's out a loud, heaving sob, before she turns on her heels and runs up the beach and back onto the path.

I call after her, but she only runs faster. I take off after her, but she's too fast, zipping quickly through streets. I can't even begin to think which way she ran, so I sit down on the side of the pavement instead.

How did this happen? 20 minutes ago I was lying on the beach with the only love of my life, thinking about how much better she's made me. And now it's all come crashing down.

I know I need to give her space to breathe and think, but the only thing I want to do right now is to take her in my arms and take away the pain.

I only sit on the sidewalk for a couple of minutes before I walk back down to the beach. I don't want to go back down to the house yet, in case Lera's there and needs time alone. I sit down on the soft sand which only minutes ago was occupied by her. I stare out into the crashing waves, my only thoughts being of her.

The one thing I know is that I can't let her go. I've done it stupidly times before, but I can't let it happen this time. She mean more than the world to me, and I can't lose her again.

I sit thinking for 15 minutes before I begin to run home again. It feels lonely without her next to me, and I have to stop the flood of tears I'm holding in from running down my face. I just need to talk to her, sort this out, and then we'll be fine.

I slow my pace as I reach the front door of the house, taking a deep breath as I ease it open. It's still early in the morning, so I'm not expecting too see many people around.

Oh no...

Kat's standing in the kitchen, making 2 cups of tea. She looks up from her work, her lips pressed in a tight smile. I walk over to where she is and sit on a bench seat as she stirs the drinks, neither of us saying a word. She deposits the spoon in the sink, her eyes meeting mine.

"You guys will be okay, she's just overthinking like she normally does. Just, give her a few days." She says softly, leaning over to squeeze my shoulder lightly.

"I know, I just want her to know I'll never give up on her." I reply, rubbing my tired eyes.

"She knows it, deep down, she just really doesn't want to hurt you or anyone else. It's easier for her to self sabotage rather than face things head on."

I twiddle my thumbs together, quickly wiping a sly tear that falls from my eye. I can't find the words I need to reply, so I simply nod.

Kat takes the two mugs by the handle, flashing me one more sympathetic smile before sauntering towards the stairs.

"She really, really loves you. Always has. You guys will be fine, you both know it." Kat says quietly before softly padding up the stairs.

She doesn't even realise how much I hope that last sentence is true.


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Yeah... sorry about that one.

Also, I know literally nothing about running so idk if 30 mins is long or short 🤨

I pinkyyyy promiseeee things will get better soon...

I also can't believe there's only a couple of chapters left to write! I'd like to thank each and every one of you who has picked up this book, it really is a joy to tell the story of these characters, and have you all enjoy it! I love you all, keep being the amazing humans you are 💕

love you, em xx

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