chapter 1

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Anylah ~nuni~ pov ♡

"Could you come wit me" my sister jahjah asked

"Come where" I asked

"To the store" she said talking bout the corner sto

"Yeaa" I said wanting some candy

"No you gotta stop eating all that candy nuni you getting bigger and it's not good" she said sighing

"How bout I just get some chocolate and that's all" I tried to convince her

"Ok that's fine" she told me grabbing her keys

"Making my way downtown walking past faces pass and I'm home bound" I sang getting inside my sister's car

The way to the store was fast bc we only lived a block away

"Shit it's cold out here" I said rubbing my arms with my hands

"Ahh my daughter's" Abe the Mexican store owner said seeing us walk in

"Hey Abe" we both said

"How's she's doing" he asked me

"Great so far" I smiled

Abe was like a father to the both of us.

Our momma died when we were little and our "father" turned into a junkie making me and A'jiyah be on our own since a young age

One day I guess Abe seen us out on the road and wanted to help out, ever since that day he hasn't left our side and is supportive as hell

"Abe y'all don't have anymore of the cookies and cream chocolate bar" I cried walking up to him

"Don't cry, we jus got some more" he said in that li Mexican accent he got

"How many you want" he asked me

I looked over at jahjah not paying attention

"4" I whispered

He gave a little laugh and shook his head

"Ok it's gon be up here when y'all ready" he told me

"Ok" I said walking away to the juice

I seen this nigga by the freezer section taking pictures with 2 other dark white niggas

I waited patiently until they got done

They started taking a li bit to long

"Excuse me I tried waiting and it ain't work out" I said going in between them and grabbing 2 clear fruits from out the freezer

As I turned around I seen Kain

"Fuck is you looking at" I said to the most feared nigga in the city

"Who you talking to shorty" he looked at me

"You obviously nigga" I rolled my eyes

"This mine" he looked down

"Ion know you jus said she wasn't a couple months ago" I mugged

"Ohhh it's a girl, we having a baby girl" he smiled

"Nooo I'm having a baby girl" I faked smiled

"I've been pregnant for 8 months through out my whole pregnancy you weren't there for nothing, you claimed she wasn't yours" I said

"Yea you down bad" one of the friends said

"Shut yo dark white ass up" I said

"Heyyy sis" I noticed Keon

"Don't call me sis cuz I'm not your sisterrrr" I dragged

"I- ok" he said

"I'm jus playing hey keonnnn" I hugged him

"Nuni what's taking you so long" my sister came to where I was at

"Ohh" she said, Keon was her bf of 11 months

"Heyyy bae" Keon said hugging her

"Hey key" she smiled

"Come on jahjah" I said as they got finished talking to each other

We walked up to the front to pay for our stuff

"Y'all tried this many times, y'all don't have to pay I got y'all" Abe sighed

"Nooo but we want to" we said in unison

"But y'all don't have to" he said

Abe snuck me my candy bars while jahjah wasn't looking

"Thank you" I whispered

"No problem" he whispered back

"You Gon let me see my baby or not" Kain said coming to the front with Keon and the other boy

"Kain is the father" Abe asked confused

"Yes, sadly he is" I sighed

"Kain I don't know I don't even have your number anymore" I said getting the rest of my stuff and walking away with jahjah

"I'll get it from Keon then li girl" he mugged

"I wasn't a li girl when you was fucking on me" I mumbled

Kain was 2 years older than me, I was 17 and he was 19

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