Quantum Entanglement of a Soul

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There it lay.
There was nothing in this world, nothing worth remembering, nothing worth fighting for, and thus it wouldn't be remembered.

He dreaded this end for himself, but he knew, it was just a small part of the bigger puzzle, it was a sacrifice worth every tear, an endeavor that would lead to it, to that almost mythical place, almost legendary state of the universe.

Okabe Rintaro looked at his surroundings, there was not much to see, an endless "something" expanded itself beyond the reach of the eye, and something beyond that reach got ever closer, but never arrived, like an infinite event-horizon.

He wasn't the one, it seemed, not in that timeline at least, this one ended as he was experiencing right now, a lonely universe, with no trace of humanity to observe it, not even to remember it. Tragic. Almost theatrical.

This was an end he had considered, of course, well, maybe Hououin Kyouma had, Okabe Rintaro had other ambitions, other desires.

One last thought left his mind before he became one with the void, before he ceased, another fallen peon in the eternal fight, in the ungraspable magnitude of the expanding worldlines.

"This must be Stein Gates' choice. I accept it as such"

With this last thought, he drifted, somewhere beyond recognition or memory.

Stein Gates was real, he knew, he had seen it.

One step closer.

Quantum Entanglement of a Soul

Time itself vibrated and stretched itself, not like a constant but much more like an irregular and changing phenomenon, from that spasm that no one else could feel, he was regurgitated.

He woke with a gasp, or maybe he was already awake. He knew it automatically; his Reading Steiner had activated.
Did something happen to change the worldline?

He was breathing heavily, sweating. He looked around him, he didn't recognize that place, it was alien, never seen. Okabe looked at his hands, they were trembling as well.

"What...?" He whispered to himself. There was something odd about this jump through time. Did his legendary ability, the Reading Steiner malfunction? Was that even possible?

He was laying there, a dark room, barely any illumination, just some beams of light that managed to get through the old wood of the walls, or at least it looked like old wood.

He didn't remember, he did not remember what timeline he came from, his memory was a mash, a mix of all the other Okabes, of all other "himselves" that existed, or not existed, he wasn't sure.

With some struggle he stood up, a numbing pain made itself present as soon as he did. His chest was burning, almost as if he had put a drop of lemon over an open wound.

With his hand on his chest and the other one in front of him, he searched around the gloomy room, finding a door behind what seemed to be a wardrobe.

As he opened the door, he was presented with a cubical room, there were some old chairs and a table painted with dust, the walls were equally grey and dusty, no one had used that place for a long time.

Only a dim light bulb shed light onto that depressing scenery. He observed behind him, realizing that the door he had just opened blended itself with the grey walls, it was a secret entrance. Why was he inside a secret room?

With this newfound gleam he observed his hand, all the moving around made him ignore the thick liquid that slowly drip down his hand. He was bleeding, not too gravely and certainly not lethally, but still enough to paint his white lab coat almost completely red.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 25, 2021 ⏰

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