USS Annapolis

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USS Annapolis 

Modified Des Moines-class heavy cruiser; Annapolis, hull number CA-149 

Rarity - Decisive (A/N: Let me know if you have different ideas for her rarity) 

HP - S

Shelling - S 

Air Power - E 

Evasion - C 

AA - A 


Health: 7000 

FP: 325  

AA: 448  

Armor: Medium 

RLD: 205 

EVA: 90 

OIL: 20 

LCK: 0 

SPD: 26 

HIT: 160 


CA Guns: 145% 

DD Guns: 100% 

AA Guns: 200% 

Limit Break 

Main Gun +1 

AA Gun +1 

Character description: Very cheery and positive, Happy-go-lucky, Formal, Tomboy, Food Critic, Cook, and Oblivious to romance. Compared to Des Moines, Salem, and Newport News, Annapolis is carefree about everything around her, and is almost as much as a tomboy compared to the likes of Baltimore and Cleveland and just like Anchorage, she is oblivious to how attractive she is, even more so than the former. When she's not doing sports activities, she's a dedicated food critic that often looks for the good and bad points in a meal or food from any restaurant and is a cook herself. She also secretly keeps a bird plushie in her bedroom, and sometimes in very rare cases, carries it around with her. 

Voice Lines 

Receive: Hmmm... Oh! Are you the Commander? The names Annapolis, pleasure to be working with ya! 

Login: Rise and Shine Commander! We've got lots of work to do today don't we? 

Details: My sisters? Unlike them, I like to have some fun once in a while! What do I do when I'm not playing sports? Well I'm a food critic, so expect me to judge your meal if you do ever make one! 

Secretary Lines

Hey Commander, would you like to play some sports with me? Don't worry I'll be gentle on ya~ Hm? Do I have any particular ones? Well of course I do! So let's go play now shall we? 

Commander would you help me prepare this meal for my sisters? What you didn't know I also cook? Well I can't just criticize food all the damn time! I gotta cook sometimes too, now let's continue with the preparations yes? 

Um, Commander have you ever wondered about that Iris Libre girl called Condé? Her and I seem to have a rivalry towards each other, but I can't honestly put my finger on why. Anyways let's just focus on something more positive alright? Why am I so happy about everything? Hehehe~ Well it's just better to be positive all the time ya know! 

Normal Touch: Do you need something Commander? Please tell me what it is and I'll get it done! Hehehe~ 

Special Touch: C-Co-Commander..? Can I refuse this kind of behavior please? 

Rub: Haaaa~ That tickles Commander, hey can you do it a little bit more- Ah! I do apologize for letting you see this side of me! 

Mission Reminder: Hey Commander, don't forget about the missions okay? 

Mission Complete: Whoo~! So much cool stuff we got am I right Commander? 

Mail Reminder: Here is the mail you received today Commander, don't forget to check them alright? 

Return to Port: Commander are you thirsty..? If so, here's an energy drink! Hm? Why did I give you something that is bad for your health? W-Well that's all I had on me, o-okay?! 

Upset: Hmph! You're no fun Commander, because you never even seemed to be enjoying playing with me, so next time I won't invite you ever... Again! 

Stranger: What is it Commander? Do I have any secrets? U-Uh, why w-would y-you think that?! Ah, sorry for my sudden outburst Commander! Please forgive this girl for her behavior! Hm? You're sorry for asking me if I have any secrets? W-Well I accept your apologies Commander. 

Friendly: U-Um, Commander..? Would you like to t-taste test this meal I made f-fo-for yo-you? Why a-am I stuttering? Well I don't w-want to disappoint you! So please... Taste it once okay? 

Crush: Hey Commander have you seen my bird plushie anywhere, because I swear I left here... H-Huh?! Why are you surprised that I have one? F-Forget what I j-ju-just said!! H-Hm..? You found it? O-Oh... Thank you so much Commander!! *kiss* I owe you one, hehehe~ 

Love: Commander do you really enjoy being around me? But I'm too cheerful for you! Y-You don't mind it? C-Commander you really are too nice ya know? Haaa~ What is this feeling..? Dar- I mean Commander would you like to figure it out with me? 

Oath: I now know what this feeling is, it's called "Love" where someone has an deep affection for someone. You Commander have shown me that everything else doesn't matter, what matters more than anything is how much you care about me, thank you for your kindness and sincerity Commander, maybe I'll introduce you to my friends so other time? Ehehe~ Don't worry I'm sure they'll warm up to you in no time! 


All Out Assault III: Annapolis - Ship fires 3 consecutive salvos and reduces main gun reload time by 50% after the salvos are finished. If sortied with Des Moines, Salem, and/or Newport News, reduces the main gun reload time by a further 60-70%. 

Anti-Air Vigilance + - Increases own Anti-Air by 15% 

Vixi Liber Et Moriar! - Increases the fleet's AA by 30% and their FP, RLD, and EVA by 15% for 5 seconds. If sortied with any Des Moines-class ships, increases their AA, FP, RLD, and EVA by 40% and if this ship is sunk, it will stay afloat for 8 seconds, fires 4 anti-air barrages, then sinks. 

(If you have any ideas for 'Post-oath' lines, then please do write them in the comments, the most interesting ones will be added here once I've selected a few) 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 29 ⏰

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