(C2) Heating Up

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Once the pups had finished eating, Ryder went up the elevator to his room, lost in thought. "What could be on Marshall's mind? In a few weeks it's going to be the fifth anniversary of when me and Chase found Marshall washed up on the beach. But Marshall seemed anxious and concerned earlier today, I'll talk to him when he gets back"

Marshall meanwhile, was still driving in his firetruck, trying to clear his head. "I just don't get it, why-" He was beginning to speak to himself to make sense of what's going on, when he suddenly saw Mr. Porter's house on fire. He jumped out of his fire truck, ready to bark out his water cannon, when there was suddenly a white flash and Marshall woke up next to his fire truck, parked in a field. "What...? I could've sworn I just saw Mr. Porter's house on fire while I jumped out of my fire truck... what's going on?" Shaking it off for now, Marshall decided to go back to the lookout to let the pups and Ryder know what's going on right now. Well that's what he wanted to do, the Dalmatian's mind had other ideas.

"Alex, these treats for Ryder and the paw patrol are looking great! I'm sure everyone will love them when we're ready for the party" However, as Alex ran to celebrate, he tripped on a stair which caused him to fall on his face. "Alex? You okay?" Mr. Porter, his grandfather asked as Alex got up off of the stairway, bleeding slightly from his forehead. "Yeah grandpa, I'm okay, just feel a little light headed" Alex said as he fell to the ground face down, still lightly breathing. Mr. Porter, deciding calling the Paw Patrol would only take extra time for Alex to get medical assistance, and in that time he'd only be letting Alex lose more blood, used a first aid kit in his house to cover Alex's wound while he drove off to the hospital. But right after we see Mr. Porter drive off with Alex to the Foggy Bottom medical centre, we see Marshall come back to the lookout, park his truck in its spot and jump out.

As soon as Marshall walked into the lookout though, he saw a sea of pillows in the TV area with 7 dogs and Ryder watching a movie. "R-Ryder, have you heard anything from Marshall yet?" Marshall heard Rubble whimper as he laid near Ryder. "No, not directly buddy. But I think I heard someone park at the lookout, let's go check it out" After hearing that, Marshall left the lookout as he heard 7 sets of paws and Ryder get up and start walking and talking, their words not even being heard by Marshall as he transformed his truck into his pup house and hid inside of it. "I'm not strong enough to tell them, this is my problem, not theirs. I'll only be ruining their fun by telling them..." Marshall wanted his friends to help him so bad, but his mind wanted him to be seen as the teams strong fire pup, not someone who needed help with his own problems that he could solve himself, even though they were tearing the poor Dalmatian apart inside his head.

"So Ryder, who do you think parked at the lookout?" Everest, the teams mountain rescue pup asked. Walking side by side with the other members, they all see Marshall's pup house at the lookout with the door locked. Ryder got Rocky to gear up to break the lock so they could speak to Marshall, just in case the Dalmatian wouldn't respond. "Marshall, you in there? We want to help you with what might be going on, can you come out and talk to us?" Chase asked, hoping for a reply. But all they got in response was whimpering from inside the pup house. "Okay Rocky, go inside and gear up, we'll try and talk to Marshall and see what's going on when you get back" Rocky then walked off to go inside the lookout, then geared up with his vest and pup pack. He then went down the slide but avoided his recycling truck as he jumped into Ryder's arms, who caught the mixed breed with a chuckle. "Okay Rocky, open up the door using your screwdriver" Ryder instructed the mixed breed as he let Rocky jump down. "Arf arf! Screwdriver!" Rocky called out with a bark as a screwdriver came out of his pup pack, which allowed him to start opening up the lock manually.

"So you said your name is Mr. Porter correct? We're going to bring Alex into our care, please wait here" The staff member at Foggy Bottom's hospital told Mr. Porter who had ran into the hospital with Alex bleeding from his forehead. "Understood, if you need me I'll be here for my grandson"  Mr. Porter then sat down, while waiting for any news about his grandson to emerge.

Hey guys! Second chapter is out! I know it's short again, Chapter 3 is nearly ready. But fairly soon we'll truly go to weekly updates instead of daily.

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