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Giulia Brown was the 4th daughter of George and Harriet Walker, was born in Burford, England in 1872, lost two of her sisters to the Black Death and followed closely the suffering of her parents. He has always had a fascination for herbs and an easiness to handle plants to produce medicines and teas for his use and that of his family. As her knowledge advanced, Giulia Brown began to attract people from different cities and became known as the healer of Burford. Years later,  Giulia married childhood friend Josh Brown,  they moved to Montevideo, Uruguay after Giulia's Pregnancy was confirmed in 1892.  Josh Brown was a descendant of one of London's oldest families, the Clarke family. Your ancestors have left messages over the years, since Elizabeth Clarke, a family healer, was accused of witchcraft and hanged in 1645 by the Catholic Church. Josh Brown grew up hearing from his great-grandmother that the powers of Light,  were genetically passed on to specific people,  men and women, a person only needed to be born on a specific day and belong to the lineage of Elisabeth Clarke.
Giulia Brown gave birth to twins in a night of lunar eclipse, Giulianna and Giuliete. Josh Brown always told Giulia about the stories his great-grandmother told about children who were born during a night of an eclipse or a yellow full moon: "These children are important and rare, they can share light for anyone, especially humans." Josh cared about the girls' futures, and he was right to prioritize the safety of his daughters and his wife because he knew the implications all of this could entail. He knew about the Shadow Council, about Mora Thoora and members who were descended from other ancient Witch families, but they didn't like mixing powers with humans. As his daughters heir to Elisabeth Clarke, twins and born over an eclipse, those references were enough for the council to annihilate them all.

The girls grew up, Giulia and Josh owned an apothecary, Giulia produced remedies based on medicinal herbs, syrups, ointments, bottles for any type of healing interest. One afternoon, they received a visit from a beautiful girl, short hair, tall, and wearing prescription glasses. She held a straw basket and wore a hooded green tunic.

- Good morning, Miss! How can I serve you? Josh asked from across the counter.

- Mr. Brown, my name is Eleonora Deshayes, I must help you before it's too late!

- Too late why? - Giulia asked worriedly.

- Mr. Josh, I'm Catherine Deshayes' rightful heiress, your grandmother and great-grandmother must have told her about the Light distribution.

- I've heard of you! It's an honor to meet you.-  Josh said.

- We need to act immediately before the council gets your location. When will the twins turn 18?

Giulia and Josh look at each other with wide eyes and finally Giulia replied:
- Today!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 20, 2021 ⏰

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