fun facts! (2)

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love, from indigo

- This was originally going to be a lot more experimental than it turned out. I had this idea for it  being choice based but then ended up feeling like it wouldn't work for this specific storyline (this concept will be seen though in an upcoming work though).

- I also initially wanted more of a link between Leo and Atlas before the events of the story, but I ended up doing away with that and making Indigo the hinge point for Leo, Atlas and (Y/n) to meet.

- I wrote a lot of this while writing 'the game' so I heavily associate those two together.

- There was, in the very early stages of planning, another yandere but they were done away with before they were even given a name so I really cannot give you any information other than the fact that they were going to be an ex lover of either Atlas or Leo- probably Leo because I didn't see Atlas having any serious relationships before (Y/n).


- I actually didn't think people would like this story very much when I started it. I remember thinking it was boring, but I'm not sure why because I do like it a lot more now, and part of the reason for that is all of the love everyone has been showing it so thank you!!

- Wes seems to be many people's favorite- and he's mine too! He was the first character I thought of, and his entire struggle with fighting his strain was what made me really want to write the book. As I said in the introduction for the book, I have seen the whole concept of a yandere disease done before many times but I thought it would end cool to place it in a world where this wasn't a new thing and having someone try to fight against their instincts. A sort of nurture vs. nature internal disagreement.

- I'd actually really like to revisit the concept of the infection again because I think there's a lot of places you can take it. I thought about doing a spin-off with new characters and with an infected reader, I also considered a sequel but I'm not really sure where to take it plotwise from the current endings. I'm still unsure, it wouldn't be for a while since I've got so much planned but let me know if you'd be interested in that or any other ideas!

I don't think I have much else to add on these two stories. I'm sorry I can't think of anymore, but my inspiration tends to come from very un-miraculous experiences that mostly involve staring at a blank screen.

I'd like to thank you all again for all of the love and support you've given these two books and all of the others too. I truly appreciate it and I hope that you will continue to read my works and to support me.

I have my new book 'strange craving' starting on Decemeber 1 so please do check that out if you can!!

Thank you again and much love!

-L.T. May

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