chapter one [💗]

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"lucas come on!" winwin exclaimed. the two were running late for practice due to them going to bed late the previous night.

the two had been dating for a few months, and since they have been busy lately, they wanted to stay up late and talk and cuddle. lucas ran out of his room and the two got in the car and drove to practice. by the time they had gotten to practice, the rest of the members were almost done. "you two will have to stay behind and catch up on all the practicing you two have been missing," kun instructed them.

"yes of course, hyung," winwin repsonded. kun nodded in approval and placed his hand on winwin's shoulder and walked away, leaving the two alone.

they both started practicing and they practiced for hours. winwin began getting tired and lucas noticed.

winwin then managed to hurt himself while he was practicing this one move. he didnt warm up his shoulders so when the move required his shoulders to move, he hurt it.

"ahh!" he groaned and held his shoulder. lucas rushed to him, worried about his boyfriend. "bub are you okay?" the younger male asked as he placed his hands on winwin's shoulder and massaged it gently.

winwin relaxed and nodded. "dont over work yourself, silly," lucas mumbled. "lucas im fine. i just need some rest, thats all." winwin infromed his boyfriend. "i think thats enough practicing for today, lets go home and rest," lucas said.

"ah but kun hyung—" "he wont mind babe. you need rest. you and i both know that," lucas gave his boyfriend a stern look. letting it go, winwin and lucas left and went home.

despite having time given to them to practice, winwin would always come to the building alone late at night and practice for hours on end. he over worked himself and lucas didnt like it at all.

"lets go take a relaxing shower, shall we?" lucas said as they got inside the house. winwin nodded, liking the idea.

lucas got out first and quickly perpared a surprise for his boyfriend. when winwin came out, he had his mouth agape. lucas had dimmed the lights, got winwin's favorite drinks and snacks that was placed on the bed and had netflix all ready for them.

lucas came into their bedroom with some more snacks and plopped on the bed. "i—how—when??? i didnt take long to get ready, did i?" winwin inquired as he approached the bed and sat on it beside his boyfriend.

lucas shook his head and chuckled. "not at all. this was actually all ready for you. you just didnt notice it. all i had to do was take the snacks and place them on the bed. the lights and the tv was already ready," lucas informed him.

winwin chuckled nervously as he rubbed his nape and blushed, letting out a small 'oh'. lucas opened his arms, signaling for winwin to crawl into his arms and so he did. lucas held him close as they watched a movie together.

once they had finished all the drinks and snacks, winwin fell fast asleep in the youngers hold. "aigoo...look at how cute my baby is," lucas whispered, not wanting to wake the older up.

lucas carefully got out of bed and cleaned the bed, taking the empty packets and bottles into the kitchen throwing them away. lucas made sure that all the windows and doors were locked and put off the lights.

he got back in bed next to his boyfriend. "oh there you are," winwin said sleepily. lucas chuckled while winwin moved closer to lucas. "me want cuddles," winwin told lucas. lucas' heart melted and he silently cooed at winwin.

he pulled winwin close, lucas' chin was placed on winwin's head while winwin's face was snuggled in the crook of lucas' neck. they both had a smile plastered on their faces as they drifted off to sleep.

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