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Sirius Black stood looking at the shattered window on the third floor. Mere minutes ago it was still in tact. A fact that had been changed when his godson flew through the air and then crashed through it to flee the castle that he had once considered his home. It was a feeling that Sirius himself once shared and could relate to. Sirius came from a family that he couldn't stand to be a part of. Were it not for the kindness of his best friend James Potter and his family taking him in he wagers he would have perished long ago. 'James. dear god I hope. I pray that I was right and Harry was guilty. Please tell me I didn't send your son to Azkaban for a crime he didn't commit.'
"Sirius, are you alright?" Remus Lupin asked his long time friend.
"As well as I could be given the situation." Sirius answered as he still felt a twinge of pain from where Harry had smashed the metal knuckle guard of his knife into his face. Madam Pomfrey had healed the injury but some pain still lingered.
"The aurors' will catch him, Sirius don't worry." Tonks stated.
"It might have escaped your notice Nym but Harry managed to flee a castle that contained twenty aurors, the entire staff of Hogwarts, the three of us and the Minister of Magic, what precisely do you think those aurors can do to contain him."
"Calm down Sirius." Remus ordered.
"We'll get him, don't worry." Tonks repeated.
"I'm worried about what will happen when we do finally catch up with him Tonks." Sirius spat. "Till now Harry has gone out of his way to not kill anyone. After today he might decide that to risk no longer hurting ministry personnel might not be in his best interest."
With that last comment Remus dragged the enraged man from the hall and tossed him into the nearest vacant room. He then closed the doors behind them.
~~**~~ ~~**~~ ~~**~~
With the room sealed Sirius released a howl of anger and immediately flipped over several nearby tables. He pounded his hands into a wall and released another howl of frustration. The man then cursed and knocked a pile of books to the floor.
"What's really wrong Sirius?" Remus asked.
"Harry's statement to us." Sirius answered as he calmed down.
"The one about Lily and James forgiving us for throwing him in Azkaban you mean?" Remus asked.
Sirius nodded his head. "Do you think they'll ever forgive us?"
"Sirius, he was found guilty of horrible crimes." Remus reminded him.
"As was I."
"You were innocent."
"And what if Harry is as well."
"It's not very likely Sirius."
"Think for a minute. Would you ever join the man who murdered your mother and father?" Sirius asked.
"Of course not." Remus asked.
"Then what possible reason would Harry? Voldermort killed his parents, and tried to kill Harry on four separate occasions. God knows I'd never join the man who did that to me."
Remus looked at him.
"Well I might if he'd done it to my parents, but not if I had parents like Lily and James." Sirius said.
Remus sighed. He felt horrible for his friend. He didn't like the situation any more than Sirius. Prior to his conviction Harry was like a son to him as well. He was the only child of his dear friends and the only offspring of a marauder.
"There were eye witnesses Sirius. The map showed that Harry was the only person in the hallway at the time the circlet was stolen. When we confronted him he. well you were there." Remus reminded him.
"I am well aware of that. Still something just rings true whenever Harry tells me he was innocent. Why would he risk his freedom to come here for Peter anyways?" Sirius asked.
"Vengeance." Nymphadora answered entering the room. "The man is responsible for his parents death, it's a good place to start. Lord knows I would want the man who was responsible for giving up his parents."
"No, I don't think so." Sirius replied. "If he wanted revenge he could have simply killed the auror that was pretending to be Peter and left. No he wants something from Peter."
"Tonks, could you go check on the real Peter please." Remus asked politely. The young woman nodded and departed.
Remus then looked at his friend. "You think we should have a talk with our dear friend Peter?"
"Yes." Sirius answered, then looked at Remus, "You never answered my original question Remus."
"Which was?" Remus asked, hoping Sirius would drop the subject.
"Do you think Lily and James will ever forgive us for putting their only son in Azkaban for ten years?"
"I don't know. I want to believe that they will understand, given Harry's allegiance. But I'm not sure anymore."
"Neither am I my friend. Neither am I." Sirius said.
"Remus, Sirius... They found him." Tonks yelled.
"Where is he?" They asked in unison.
"The hill overlooking Hogsmeade. Ron's there, they're dueling." Tonks informed them.
The two men immediately ran from the room and exited the school for the hills where the two former friends were fighting.

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