chapter 3

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Maghi's pov ;

I saw him , the man who was intimidating me to the hell but again the man who saved me. He has a different side which he isn't showing to anyone. But showed me ,even though it was for a short period of time. He had no emotions while seeing me  and he was blank but I relaxed from his gaze, yeah it was intimidating but I was not atleast totally scared by it ,I was scared the least now because all my concerns were to his wounded hand, he didn't treat it yet, his shirt was with some splatters of blood, I could say he didn't leave the hospital.

I tried to get up and speak to him but it was difficult for me, it was paining alot, I had Iv , the dr. said my heart was beating so fast and added Mr.knight brought me at correct time ,thanks to him. I smiled at the doctor who was in mid 50 s ,he returned my smile and said take some rest dear,it's my duty to save life no need to be thankfull he said, he could really understand my thoughts..he was older than my father if my dad was alive..., he had fatherly figure and moved on and bowed to Mr.knight and said she needs some rest we will send pills sir. And we wanted to check her so let her be in hospital for a day and then she can be discharged. Mr.knight didn't say word but nodded slightly. Now with all lights I could notice his features ,he is a walking Greek god, he had chiseled jaw, proper cut and fit body which would come only by spending 24*7 in gym, his eyes were still intimidating and the white shirt with some sweatpants made him more handsome.

He walked near me and said did you get an exact picture of me to save it in your mind for life long. I couldn't be more embarassed  . I tried to defend myself but he intruppted and said easy baby girl, oh my god no one ever called me with Nick name here and this man just said me baby girl, I felt warmness on my face . Iam a tomato now, I wanted to slap myself. I came out of my trance and controlled myself and I smiled at him in order to show my gratitude ,he didn't say anything but he moved out. It was lonely again, my entire life is lonely ,although this one moment  was soothing enough to forget my pain.

I didn't know when I slept but I woke up with flowers near my table and a get well soon card. I know who sent this, I was happy but deep in my heart it disappointed me that he didn't come. Doctor came in and said you can leave madam, you are alright ,and these men will take you to your home. The doctor said ,I went to the bill counter to pay my bill but it was already paid, I asked the receptionist who paid and how much it was, I wanted to return the money , I said to receptionist but before she could answer I was intruppted by one man, he had  smile in his face and he was amused by me. He introduced himself to me . Hello to you , Iam Ace Mr knight's friend. Can I know your sweet name madam. I was shocked by the sudden introduction and his height, he wasn't as tall as mr.knight but he was tall., but I regained my composure and said Iam Maghizhini nice to meet you sir.

He grinned widely and said are you from India and call me Ace . I confirmed him that I was born in America but spent my childhood and teenage in India. He made oh and we moved to the car, I said to him I wanted to return the money to Mr.knight ,how can I take someone's favour for granted?and added that I can go by myself..., Ace smiled at me and said it is no problem and Mr.knight really didn't pay your bill afterall it is his hospital and don't worry it wasn't costly to treat you. I gave a tight smile. Ace noticed my inconvenience and said when you meet him next time you can return him. I smiled at him. But Ace didn't allow me to get cab, so we moved in his car, it was a luxurious and branded car, Ace opened the door for me and asked my address so that he could drop me.

I said to him my address turned to see the window, I like to see world through window.  We were in comfortable silence untill Ace broke it and it was nice to speak with some one new so I liked it..He asked me random questions like what is my favourite colour, what is my favourite food , what am I doing for living  . I answered him , I don't have any favourite colours he was shocked but didn't push it, I too don't care about food alot but I prefer spicy stuffs and Indian cuisine. Iam an art curator in a art gallery I said and It was my turn to shoot him with questions, I was nervous to ask him, but anyhow Ace comforted me to ask, but I did the biggest mistake of asking him my questions and saying my problems . I was pissed off at him. We ended near our home, I was about to ask Ace to visit my home and have a cup of coffee but Ace being Ace denied it and me being me, I just scolded him but he laughed for it and said he likes to annoy me alot and so he will come here anytime soon. I said an fake thankyou and plastered a smile and left to my home.

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