the green day shirt

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I'm sick yay haha anyway,

Have I ever told you about my green day shirt?

Not long ago I bought a green day shirt at the most local punk shop near me I could find (two hours train ride away) and I bought a men's shirt in L.
At home I tried it and noticed it was very tight but I just thought "well that's kinda shit but I can work with it".
Today I finally wore it for the first time, cause today was the first day since I bought the shirt that was not ass hat cold, and I noticed that in the wash it has become even smaller and comparing it to other shirts I have I'd say it now has the same size as a women's s.
And it would be fine, I hate tight shirts but I can get over it (cause it's green day) the problem is just that my chest looks like it's going to conquer china in the next two to three business days, or to say it more specific: my tits look terrible big.

And I hate it :)

The shirt is still cool

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