She heard Guarnere muttering under his breath as he stormed past her, and she reached out her hand to grab his arm and stop him. "How bout you show Lieutenant Winters some respect, eh?" She said pointedly. He continued to grumble as he wrenched his arm from her hand and stormed off. Valerie sighed and walked over to Dick, noting the frown marring his features as they moved out again.

"Gotta say, Dick," she commented as they walked on, "I didn't think you had it in you."

"Have what in me?" He asked quietly, confusion evident in his tone.

"The ability to shout," she teased, hoping to bring even a small laugh to him during this madness they found themselves in.

"Yeah," he chuckled lightly, "you'll find I'm full of surprises."

"Y'know what, Dick," she hummed, "I believe it."


Valerie was convinced she'd never felt more exhausted in her life, but she didn't have time to dwell on it. She had a platoon to look after, and a wounded soldier to check in on.

"How ya doing, Pop?" She asked as she came to stand by his head. They'd managed to set up a makeshift field hospital, and it was already complete bedlam, even after just one day of combat.

"I'm real sorry, lieutenant," he cried, looking up at her sadly. "I can't believe I got shot in the ass."

"No need to be sorry, Pop," she soothed him, resting her hand on his shoulder and squeezing it gently. "You just focus on gettin' yourself better and findin' your way back to me, yeah?"

He nodded and smiled up at her gratefully, and she patted him on the arm before wishing him goodnight and heading off again. She paused before leaving him, though, turning around to him once more. "And hell, Pop," she chuckled, "if gettin' shot in the ass ain't one helluva story to write home about."

He laughed out loud at that, and she was glad she could leave him feeling a little less miserable than he was when she came in. As she was on her way towards the door Roe walked in, and she ran to him and threw her arms around him, hugging him tightly.

"Am I glad to see you," she mumbled into his neck, and he put his hands around her back and squeezed her tightly.

"Right back atcha," he exhaled, holding her close for a few seconds more before stepping back and giving her a once over, hands on her shoulders.

"I'm fine, Gene," she stated. "I'm just tired, just like everyone else." He looked pretty exhausted himself, and she wondered how many wounded soldiers he'd taken care of today.

"I gotta go," he sighed sadly, looking over her shoulder at one of the doctors waving him over. "You look after yourself out there, ya hear me?"

"Only if you promise to do the same," she retorted. "Love you, chouchou," she whispered, taking his hand and squeezing it softly.

"Love you too, chérie," he replied. He wrapped an arm around her shoulder and hugged her quickly before walking further into the hospital and, with a mournful sigh, she walked out, praying he'd be ok. He had the heart of an angel, and he'd take it real hard if he couldn't save someone. She just hoped that it wouldn't get to him or wear him down too much.

She wandered through the town, watching the men load onto trucks and try to cook up something decent to eat. She paused when she spotted Dick taking a swig from a bottle, raising an eyebrow in surprise. She couldn't help the snort that escaped her when she heard him coughing roughly. It wasn't surprising he couldn't hack it, considering she'd only ever seen him drink soda water or lemonade. She smiled slightly when she saw him laughing with Guarnere before he left the truck, glad that they'd both moved past the tension from the early hours of that morning. Grudges couldn't be allowed to go on out in combat, there was too much at stake.

She spotted Nixon following Dick down the street, so she made her way towards them. Dick walked off himself before she could reach them, though when Nixon saw her he smiled brightly.

"Well, aren't you a sight for sore eyes," he chuckled, pulling her in for a hug. She laughed as he pulled back, shaking her head at him.

"Wish I could say the same for you," she teased, laughing at his wounded expression. "Any news yet on Lieutenant Meehan?"

"Nothing," he lamented, "so until we get some, Dick's acting CO of Easy."

"Imagine Sobel's face if he heard that, eh?" She chuckled lightly, and Nixon grinned in delight.

"I'd pay good money to see it," he smirked. "I gotta head back to battalion, see you around, Val."

Valerie waved him off and watched him walk through the trucks for a moment, before turning to look at the lone figure leaning against the front of a nearby jeep. As she approached slowly she noted the tension in Dick's body. He looked as though the weight of the world was pushing down on his shoulders.

"Helluva day, huh?" She announced quietly as she stepped up beside him. Dick looked up in surprise and smiled tightly, nodding in agreement. She leaned against the front of the jeep beside him and examined his face for a moment. It had only been one day but he already looked exhausted, like he'd seen just about enough of war in that one day to last him a lifetime.

"You know you did good today, right?" She asked softly, and when he turned to look at her, the distant fires reflected in his eyes and allowed her to see the hint of sadness in them.

"I tried my best," he sighed, scuffing his boot against the gravel, "but I lost Hall."

"That wasn't your fault," she assured, putting her hand on his shoulder and squeezing it reassuringly. "That was just a tragic accident."

"Suppose it was," he agreed, looking out again at the blazing fires. She knew he'd take it hard when she heard about Hall. He'd been the first person Dick met when he landed and she could tell he felt a sense of responsibility for the young soldier.

"I know it must be a lot, filling in for Meehan while he's still MIA," she started, and he turned back to her to meet her gaze, "but there's nobody better than you to lead us into combat. And you know it must be true when it's coming from me, cause I've always been tough on you." She bumped her shoulder against his and grinned when she pulled a proper chuckle out of him. She found that she really meant it, though. He'd proven at Brécourt Manor that he was a good combat leader, and she truly trusted that he could get them through anything after that.

"Well, thanks, Val," Dick smiled, and she could see the hint of a blush on his cheeks, "that means a lot, you know."

They sat together in silence for a while, both lost in their own thoughts. As Valerie thought back on all they'd seen that day she wondered what the Krauts would have in store for them next, and hoped against hope that they'd all survive it without losing themselves.

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