Chapter One

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Donna Beneviento was in her small lab, looking over her plant's, and then her best friend Angie comes in as she tells Donna something.

"Hey D, Miranda is on the phone and she wants to speak with you." Angie flew over, Donna nods as she gets up.

"...did she say anything..." Donna softly asked, Angie shook her head as they both went to her study room, Angie she opens the door for her as Donna sits down. 

She was alittle nervous as Angie hands her the phone, she puts the phone towards her and she speaks softly.

"...Mother can I help you..." She plays with the phone cord, Angie sees as she rubs Donna's hand.

"Donna, I have good'll be getting a maiden. She will be coming in three days, she's one of the best maidens." Miranda tells, Donna was surprise but was happy to get a maiden. Angie heard as she twirls in a circle.

"...Oh thank you...Mother Miranda." Donna thanks her, "What is...her name?" She asked, Angie already started planning out the chores and tea parties.

Then she hear's Miranda yelling at something or someone over the phone and quickly hangs up. Unfortunately Donna never got the maidens name as she places the phone down. The she looks at her friend, who was waiting for her to say something.

"Miranda has gotten a maiden...she'll be here in three days..." Donna said, Angie gets up with Donna and walks with her too the dinning room.

Donna and Angie have known each other for a long time. She remembers when her father made Angie, to help her talk and socialize with people, especially when she was self-conscious by her scar eye.
Angie helped her more when her parents died by suicide after what had happened to her sister...which broke Donna more as she got older. She remembers Miranda taking her in, and testing her as she was infected with the parasite.


Donna snaps back into reality, she thought about her entire she's been lonely minus having Angie, but she was lonely of a companion, her other half, the one who will make her feel like she's flying and finally happy for once.

"I'm sorry..." Donna was bitting her nails as Angie slaps her hands. She knows that Donna has been lonely as she can feel her.

"Hey someone will love you for you. And don't say they won't because of your scar eye." Angie sits up more and looks at Donna, "And I have a good feeling about this new maiden we're getting...I can feel it in my wooden bones!" She smiles, Donna nods as she makes herself and Angie some tea and snacks.

Both of them talked and talked about topics that kept them going. Talking about UFOs, Bigfoot and other unknown mystery's of the world.
Then in the middle of their talk, Donna remembers to clean the spare bedroom for the maiden, as she and Angie both tagged team together. Which took them a bit. Sometime in the middle of night, both of them passed out.


Donna moves her head and slightly opens her eyes. Her vision was a blur at first until she saw Angie in clears day. She saw Angie smiling as she felt a light tapping on her face.

"I'm...awake..." Donna said and goes back too sleep.

"Girl..." Angie said as she pours a tea cup of water onto Donna. Then she quickly flinches as she is now fully awake, she glares at her with a revengeful grin.

Donna mentioned that she'll get her later, she goes to the bathroom and takes a shower. Her every day routine was to take a shower, gets dressed and head to the kitchen to make breakfast and tea, then goes to a garden to check on her plants and studies as she makes new serums for Miranda.

The One X Donna Beneviento Where stories live. Discover now