vii. chapter seven

Start from the beginning

Then again, she didn't ask Hope to kiss her. And yet that didn't stop Landon from treating her like she had plotted this with maniacal secrecy.

"I should've known you were bad news the moment you turned up here with that witch who broke Josie's heart. I guess insensitive assholes tend to group together because no one else wants you."

Calista drew the line at him bringing Penelope into this. She understood herself, but Penelope hasn't done anything to Landon.

"You know what, Landon? You want someone to be mad at, be mad at your girlfriend who initiated the kiss. I'm not the only person responsible so don't hold me accountable for how shitty she made you feel."

Calista spun around to proceed the search for Hope, though forced to stop when Landon's hand clamped down on her wrist.

She didn't take perceive him for an aggressor.

"You're an absolute joke, and I'll be sure everyone knows how much of a demented, stone hearted bit-"

The witch rolled her eyes and shoved him away with about 50% of her strength. He couldn't compete with her and it showed in the stumble of his feet and the wince he was unable to mask.

"Cut the speech, Landmine. I would tread carefully if I were you, especially if you aren't aware of one's experience with magic."

"I'm going to destroy you." Landon growled out and lunged for her this time, the previous light in his eyes swallowed by an unknown and wild rage. "There will be nothing left of yo-"

Calista threw her right hand up, curling her fingers inside a fist and muttering haste words of a whisper. She watched in satisfaction as the boy was forcefully silenced by the snapping of his neck. His body fell limp to the floor, and she made sure to deliver a petty kick to his ribs when she stepped over him.

"Since you're so prideful of being a phoenix," She spoke to his corpse. "Now is your time to rise, Langdon." Her pink hair flowed behind her as strutted back to school.

The following day, Calista was called into Alaric's office at the ass crack of dawn and instructed to sit down and not speak a word until spoken to.

Alaric was staring at her for a good two minutes, hands cupped under his chin, eyes narrowed. Calista smiled nervously at him the whole time, praying he would finally say something before it got a little too clammy and awkward.

"Explain to me why Landon's lifeless body was found last night." His voice was shockingly calm, considering the disappointment was readable in his facial features.

Once Landon woke up in ashes, it didn't take him long to snitch and point fingers, which is why he ended up sealing that fate to begin with. From pointing fingers.

The witch attempted to play it cool but she cracked under pressure from his gaze that never left hers and her face flushed pink, matching the color palette of her hair.

"He poked me, so I poked him back!" Calista blurted out, gesturing with her hands to imitate the brutal 'stabbing' that went down in the woods.

Alaric wasn't impressed and leaned back in his chair, prepared to crack open a bottle of rum for support of this conversation. "Would you care to elaborate on that."

"He rose back from the dead. Wow, so cool." Calista mocked instead, only encouraging the fuse to burn faster.

Alaric clicked his tongue impatiently, a few lacking answers away from lashing out at her. He didn't think she possessed a dark drive to commit murder, even if that murder was a backwards step because of Landon's phoenix status. Murder was murder, and he was not going to justify it.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17, 2022 ⏰

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