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I open my eyes not realizing that I had fell asleep,my legs, still hurt and I discovered I had a small cut on my forehead that had fresh blood on it, meaning I haven't been asleep for that long.

I pulled myself up and the pain instantly went to my left leg it wasnt that bad to where I couldn't walk but to where I would limp from time to time, I pushed myself through it to get to my backpack that was across the room.
I made it, and looked through it for some bandages, all I found was small bandaids,I put one on the cut on my head but I was pretty frustrated since i didn't have any to wrap around my bottom half that was way worse than my head.

I got up put my back pack on to find food since I haven't ate in the past 2 days I was about to walk out the door. Well that was untill I noticed a box on the other end of the room it was a white box, I went over to it thinking it was a weapon of some type I could use, since I didn't have anything useful for protecting myself.

I opened up the box and saw a mouthless mask"Wow... what is this"
I pick it up to inspect it, but as I turn it to look at the back, it launches into my face, I didn't have time to say anything other than a quick scream I didn't care who heard it, because there was literally a mask possibly about to eat my face.

Everything suddenly goes black but I felt calm when I wanted to be scared and aware.
"Hello Katsumi"A floating hologram of a mask says, I wanted to touch it but I couldn't.
"You are now the one closer to God, closer than anyone ever"

(Time skip bc I dont remember what else to say)

As It was over, the mask started to break into tiny pieces in front of me.I was stunned and amazed. "Does this mean mask are nice now "i ask myself, the mask probably told me but I must have forgot.
"First thing I do when I see a mask is to talk to them it's a suicide mission but I need someone by myside"I got my bag, and started to head out of the room again not bother to put my shoes and socks back on ,looking down disappointed at myself for being so vulnerable, and curious.

I quickly got over my little time of sadness and just started to walk around the hallways to find at least one person since i was tired of being alone, I most wanted attention from an older man since I didn't get any from my dad or any other family member's.

(P.s I made this a long time ago, so that's why it so cringy I just moved it to wattpad)

Also should I continue?, I got more chapters in my drafts, and then I could start making new updates chapters

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