🚻⛅jaime x reader⛅🌟 - high school love

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A/N f/n--(friend's name) derek is the blonde guy in the science club--(canonical friends)

No One's pov

"you have to tell him someday y/n,"
"f/n is right, you gotta. just like I did" said penelope. y/n looked at them both, just shaking their head vigorously. "no no no no, no way no way no way, not gonna happen, nuh-uh" they said repetitively with their hands on their face. "hey, Isn't that him?" peppi said, making y/n stick their head up instantly looking around, both friends just laughed.

'adorable' jamie thought to himself looking at y/n from across his classroom, 'wait what-'. a bright blush spread across his face. he had never thought of anything like that before, he was embarrassed.
"ooo~ are you blushing? who?" jamie looked over to derek, "uhm- y/n.." he mumbled the last part. "from the art club? I'm telling them-". derek began to sit up, but jamie stopped him.
he was blushing a bright red at this point, causing derek to laugh. "they're totally into you dude, go for it". jamie laid his head on his desk, shielding himself from embarrassment

--✨time skip✨--
the bell had just rung and everyone was rushing out of the room, the teacher had left into the hallway to greet students on their arrival, it was just y/n and jamie. as y/n was walking through the door, they bumped into a male schoolmate, forcing y/n to drop all of their stuff. "I'm so sorry-" they said apologetically, "let me," the male stated. as they both struggled to pick up both of their papers, they had ended up touching hands. "sorry-" they said in unison.
jamie just sat there, watching the cliche love scene pan out. he just stared at the two for what felt like hours, until that horrid moment was over. they had finally said their final 'sorry's.
"sorry" y/n said bowing, only to realize and apologize again. jamie stormed out of the classroom , half in fear of being late, half in utter disgust he felt in seeing the person he likes with another guy. regardless, he couldn't bear another moment of it. as he rushed past them, he accidentally forced more papers to fly from their hands again.

--✨time skip✨--
it was now the end of the day and y/n was riding the bus home for once. their mom usually picks them up but had an extra-long shift at work that day. y/n was dreading the moment when they stepped one foot on the bus. they wanted it to only last for a few seconds, so y/n sat in the front, partly because y/n's friends had told her it was the loudest in the back, she had been worried for her ears.
when they finally got on the bus, they decided to sit in the second row to the front. y/n was tired so they leaned on what they thought was the window. they sat there for a while up until what they were leaning on squished into them, causing them to look up. what y/n saw shocked them. It was a blush-infested jamie thompson. the embarrassment y/n felt was overwhelming, but they somehow kept their composure and pretended they hadn't noticed.

Jamie's pov
I had just sat down before I felt another person sitting next to me. I wasn't bothered by this, only until they started leaning on me, that's when I looked over at them. I notice it was y/n, 'did they not know?' 'did they do it on purpose?' as thoughts filled my head, I hardly notice the fact I got pushed into them.
as I glance back at them, I notice a blush creeping up their face. 'why are they blushing?' 'did they notice me?' 'did they not do it on purpose?' thoughts soon began to fill my head again.

No one's pov
as some time passed, y/n began to feel sleepier. their eyelids felt heavy. y/n had forgotten the position they and jamie were in. finally, they had fallen asleep. pushing all of their worries to the side, they fell asleep on jamie's shoulder peacefully.

word count: 740

A/N I will most likely make a part two, that is if anyone requests it. I know, I know, I only have 10 active readers, but I can hope! ^^

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