Chapter 6: Confrontation

Start from the beginning

As the three of them go to the apartment without Casey Jooyoung is furious about what Kari said earlier.

"What's your real reason for not wanting us to perform at the showcase?" Jooyoung spits out hatefully.

She is so taken back by his outburst that she can't say anything.

"Hyung! What do you mean?" Zico asks.

"I want to know why she thinks we can't perform the showcase. Do you think we aren't good enough? Is that it?" Jooyoung says nearly yelling.

"That's not it at all!" Kari exclaims. "It's that-"

Jooyoung grabs her arm roughly and shakes her.

"Stop acting so innocent and nice. I know it's all an act," He yells at her.

"Let go, your hurting my arm," Kari begs.

The next thing Jooyoung knows, he is on the floor holding his cheek.


Casey finishes her conversation with Giriboy and heads upstairs. She takes the stairs thinking she needs more exercise, but she gives up on the fifth floor and calls for an elevator. When she exits the elevator she hears shouting coming through the open front door.

"Stop acting so innocent and nice. I know it's all an act!" Jooyoung is yelling.

"Let go, your hurting my arm," Kari says.

Casey rushes into the room and sees Jooyoung holding Kari's arm roughly. Zico punches Jooyoung in the face and he falls to the floor holding his cheek.

"Take Kari to her room Zico," Casey says trying to hold back her anger.

The three of them look at her in surprise, they didn't know that she was there. Kari's never seen her like this before and as scary as it may be she is to heart broken to notice.

She is really hurt by Jooyoung's actions and she can feel the bruise forming on her arm.

Zico wraps his arm around her and steers her to her room where she bursts into tears. He hugs her to his chest and lets her cry, soaking his shirt with her tears.

Meanwhile in the living room...

Casey slams the front door shut making Jooyoung flinch. She is shaking, she's so angry.

"Get up," Casey says coldly.

Jooyoung does as she commands and immediately looks to the floor, unable to make eye contact with her.

"What the hell do you think you are doing? Who are you to treat her like that? Huh? ANSWER ME!" she screams.

Jooyoung can't speak he's frozen, not in fear, but in guilt. He knows what he did was wrong. He saw the look in Kari's eyes when he was holding her arm. She truly is a kind person. She wasn't showing a fake personality like he had been assuming.

"I...I need to talk to Kari," Jooyoung says suddenly.

He turns to go down the hall to Kari's room, but before he even begins to walk, he finds himself on the floor again. Casey had grabbed him and yanked him to the ground.

"You will leave her alone tonight," Casey says to him, trying to keep herself from hurting him. It's not what Kari would want her to do.

"Follow me," Casey says abruptly.

Jooyoung does as she demands and follows her to her office

"Sit down," She says, gesturing to one of the chairs in front of her desk while she sits behind it.

"Explain," She says tersely while giving him a cold look.

"Two years ago I started dating this girl. I thought she was so sweet and kind, I thought she cared about me, but it was all a lie. She acted like that to me so she could be near me and by being near me she could get close to my best friend. She started having an affair with him. I found out after three months of them being together. I thought she loved me, but it was all just a big lie," Jooyoung admits.

Casey remains quiet; listening to his story, hoping his explanation is enough to save him from the wrath she feels like unleashing on him.

"When I saw Kari acting just like my ex, I immediately thought she was a fake too. That she would use me for something she wanted. But... after I hurt her, I saw this look in her eyes. She was giving me a chance when it should have been to late. I know now that I was wrong. I need to apologize. I need to..." He trails off, looking down at his hands in defeat.

"I'm going to have to leave aren't I?" He asks Casey, refusing to make eye contact with her, afraid to the see disappointment in the eyes of the girl he likes.

"Jooyoung, I want you to leave..." Casey starts.

In Kari's room...

Kari finally stops crying after Zico tucks her into bed. He sits on the edge stroking her hair.

"Zico, thank you for being my friend," Kari says with a small smile.

"Thank you for letting me be your friend," He replies returning her smile.

"I know that you like Casey, I can help you win her heart," Kari says, startling Zico.

"I, uh, how did you know?" Zico asks, deciding to admit his feelings.

"Because you look at her the same way I look at Jooyoung," Kari replies sadly, causing Zico to understand why she is so understanding of Jooyoung's mood swings.

"Then I will help you with Jooyoung. He's not like that usually. I don't even know why he is with you. He's usually a lot like you actually, happy and kind. Maybe it's because of his ex. She hurt him badly," Zico tells Kari

"It doesn't matter. I'm not sure how I feel about him right now. I'm so hurt over what he did," Kari says as tears begin to stream down her face again.

"Don't give up yet Kari. Give him a second chance, okay? I'll figure out a plan. Don't worry," Zico says confidently.

Back in Casey's office...

"Jooyoung I want you to leave the timing of your apology to me. Kari doesn't need you to bother her right now, not after all this. I'll leave your fate up to her decision since she is the one you hurt. But, I swear if this ever happens again... I will end you," Casey threatens.

Jooyoung looks up at her startled.

"You will not talk to her or be near her until I tell you or give you a sign that its time for your apology. Do you understand?"

"Yes," He replies.

"I'll make sure Kari and I are gone before you wake up in the mornings. You will spend the mornings from 9:00 until 1:00 in the recording studio with Giriboy and the other artists there. Get to know them and help them out. At 1:00 to the cafeteria for lunch. At 2:00 go to the practice rooms and work with the male trainees until 6:00. You can eat in the cafeteria, eat out, or do whatever you want at 6:00, come back the dorm at 7:00. I will make sure it's clear for you to get to your room." Casey explains to him. "You are on probation right now. Things will be strict from here on out, until this is resolved. I will not budge on this. If you don't like it or think it is unfair then you can leave." She says with a business-like tone.

"I understand," He says as he stands and does a apologetic bow. "I sincerely apologize for my actions today. I will reflect on them and be better."

"Let's go back." She says as she stand up as well.

Jooyoung goes straight to his room, mad at himself for acting that ways and regretting hurting Kari. He also can't help but like Casey even more. He was going to do anything it takes to fix what he messed up. He wants to stay and he wants to apologize for his actions towards Kari.

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