Chapter 12

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you were in shock, you were right. You could only wonder what was going through yoonbums head at the time. Was it regret or was it fear, maybe it was a mix of both. you weren't sure. He was as still as a statue for a moment, but it was only for a moment. "Sa-Sangwoo" he spoke diminishing any last hope he had of not being caught. Or that's what you would have thought if you weren't 99% sure Sangwoo already knew.

Sangwoo sprung up and started to shout "I like you, I love you, I would do anything for you. what great acting, I almost believed you." All Yoonbum could do was stutter out apologies. But it wasn't enough, it would never be enough for Sangwoo. It Seemed that Yoonbum still had escaping on his mind as he tried to push past Sangwoo. This however only ended with Yoonbum slipping down the porches steps.

Yoonbum, resilient as ever, started to scream and cry for help, but to no avail. You knew nobody would be able to hear him in this desolate place. You inched closer to get a better look. Yoonbum was lying face-first on the wet ground whilst hard rain fell onto him and Sangwoo. Like a maniac Sangwoo started to scream as well, even going as far as to open the gate for Yoonbum. "SAVE HIM". It got louder and louder and louder until it all stopped. It appeared Yoonbum had given up.

Sangwoo scooped Yoonbum up, Whatever He said was inaudible to you due to the heavy rain, but it must have struck a nerve as suddenly Yoonbum was screaming once again. "LET GO OF ME YOU MOTHERFUCKER"

Sangwoo sprung back into action, pinning Yoonbum to the car Infront of the house. Either Yoonbum was stupid or had a death wish, it was plain madness to try and talk to Sangwoo the way he did and now he was paying the price. Sangwoo punched him again and again and again, you shuffled Further into the house not wanting to see. You knew Sangwoo could be violent at times but this was extreme. You just hoped that you would never anger him to this point.

From the KItchen, you watch Sangwoo carry Yoonbum through the front door. Both men were incredibly soaked, Sangwoo's white shirt had become see-through And Clung to his skin. water Also began to drip onto the wooden floor creating puddles. Sangwoo placed Yoonbum down on the floor in the hall and went into the kitchen presumably to get towels.

Even from the doorway of the kitchen, you could see that Yoonbum was bloody and bruised. So much so you started to feel sorry for the small man. You slowly inched closer to get a better look. Yoonbum remained still, too still in your opinion. You watched his body and there seemed to be no sign of breathing, starting to panic. You hovered your ear over his face but you couldn't hear or feel any breath coming out. Quickly your hands fumbled to find a pulse but there was nothing. Yoonbum was dead, Sangwoo had killed him.

It must have been the combination of Sangwoo's merciless beating and the cold rain that killed him. Yoonbum's frail body must have not been able to take it. Again You were in shock and unsure of what to do. You wanted to cry or be sad, but you couldn't. You had never been emotionally challenged before but for some reason, you felt numb. It was like you were desensitized to it. Or maybe you were no longer human, just a husk of what you once were. You did the only thing you could think of at that moment. "SANGWOO" you shouted, "I THINK YOONBUM'S DEAD"

𝐂𝐔𝐑𝐈𝐎𝐒𝐈𝐓𝐘 𝐊𝐈𝐋𝐋𝐄𝐃 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐂𝐀𝐓 - ᴏʜ sᴀɴɢᴡᴏᴏOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora