Thursday Jones and the Godlikes: The apples of Idunn

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  “Thursday, sweetie, how are you?  Are you doing ok?” asks his mother who heard him and was speaking to him from behind his door.

 “Yes mom I’m doing fine. I just had the weirdest dream,” replies Thurs

“What was it about dear?” asks his mother, Sheila.

 Thursday answers back to her, “Not real sure just a weird dream.”

“It’s not one of those dreams that young men your age start getting now is it?” asks his mother. “I know I’m your mother but you can still talk to me about anything.”

Thursday embarrassingly says to her, “No mom not one of those dreams. You are right though, I don’t want to talk to you about those dreams either. Give me five minutes mom and I’ll be right out.”

Thursday got out of his bed as his mother walked away. He went to his dresser and grabbed a black shirt with jeans.  As he took off his night shirt Thursday thought, “I wonder what’s wrong with mom.”

As he put on his clothes Thursday looked at the clock and notices he’s almost late for school. He rushes to get his jeans on, then runs out of his room.  

He runs in the bathroom and grabs the deodorant. He quickly lifted his shirt and rubbed the deodorant under his arms. He then grabs his toothbrush and started brushing his teeth.

He thought, “If I don’t hurry up I’ll be late for school.” He then quickly throws down his toothbrush and runs downstairs. As he went into the kitchen he saw there was nobody there. His mother laid out eggs and bacon on a plate for him. There was also a glass cup filled with orange juice right beside the plate. He ran down to the table and quickly scarfed down all the food.

He jumped out of his chair and ran for the door. He grabbed his backpack.

“Bye mom I’m heading to school.” says Thursday.

He grabs the knob and opened the door to see his mother was beaten up. She had a black eye and various bruises on her arms and legs.

He grabs his mother and asks her, “What happened to you mom?”

His mother while rubbing her arm says to her son, “I fell.”

Thursday’s eyes widened and he yelled, “Mom, don’t lie to me, what happened to you?”

His mother crying looked at him and said, “It was my boyfriend, Kevin.” Thursday began to clinch his fists.

“We began to argue last night. He got so upset he punched me in the face. I fell and he started kicking me in the stomach. When he stopped he realized what he did and apologized for it.”

Thursday questioned, “Why didn’t you call the cops?”

His mother replied after a shaky breath, “I didn’t want him to go back to jail. He’s still on probation.”

Thursday angrily replies to his mother, “I don’t care mom; I’m going to beat his ass for this!”

 “Sweetheart, don’t worry about it. It’ll take care of itself,” says his mother.

Thursdays says to his mother, “I don’t give a damn mom I promise he won’t do this to you again.”

Thursday hugs his mother and while comforting her he wonders to himself how will can make her boyfriend pay for his crime against her.

It’s 7 a.m. and Thursday is heading to Kevin’s apartment to confront him about what he did to his mother. He is engulfed with feelings of rage and anger. He is so upset he can’t think straight.

After banging on Kevin’s door for five minutes without a reply Thursday becomes infuriated; he suddenly continues to beat on his door while adding a yell for good measure.

“Kevin, come to the door you jerk! I’m going to beat the living hell out of you.”

“Open the door you coward. It’s okay to beat up on a woman but the first chance you get to fight a man you bitch out!”

Suddenly the door flies open and Kevin storms out of it. He yells at Thursday.

 “Thursday, you little punk what are you doing here this time of the morning? Does your mom know that you are here?”

“Don’t worry about my mom you bastard you got bigger problems to deal with.” screams the long haired young man.

Kevin asks back, “Like what?””

Without uttering a word Thursday takes a swing at his mother’s boyfriend. Kevin instantaneously moves out of the way causing Thursday’s fist to hit the wall. 

“God, God my hand hurts! ” yells Thursday as he falls to the floor screaming in pain.

Kevin looks down on Thursday as if he were watching a baby lying on the floor. His first instinct is to kick the crap out of the fifteen-year old son of his girlfriend. He knows that decision will come at a price.

“Why did you hurt my mom you bastard?”, screams Thursday at Kevin.

Kevin replies back to Thursday, “Your momma couldn’t keep her fat trap shut. I’m a grown man. I do as I please. When your momma learns that the beatings will stop. Run to school Thursday I don’t want to have to beat the hell out of you this early in the morning.”

 Thursday stands up and looks at Kevin with determined eyes. He says to him, “I promise that if you ever hurt my mom again you will pay for it.”

At that exact moment Kevin punches Thursday in the stomach while knocking all the wind out of his system. The youth falls to the floor for the second time, this time crying while in unrelenting pain. Kevin with an angry gaze looks at Thursday on the floor and walks right by him.

“One day soon I will be strong enough to kick the shit out of you!” Thursday says to himself as he watches Kevin walk out the building. After lying on the floor for another five minutes Thursday gets on his    feet and goes to school.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 27, 2013 ⏰

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