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After calming down some more you find Killua's soothing warmth too comforting and you fall asleep. The next morning you find your self still in Killua's reassuring hold. You look up to see Killua's peaceful sleeping face and you find yourself staring. Now that you think about it he has a really pale complexion, nice cool hair, nice body build, and a perfect face. You can't seem to keep yourself from wanting to look at him, touch him, and know more about him. That was what you were thinking when he suddenly opened his eyes which captivated you once again. It was a beautiful shade of blue, his eyes reflected everything perfectly. It was like a mirror that saw through everything.

"Could you get off me?" Killua said while pointing down to make you look down to see that you were still on top of him.

"Ah! I'm sorry. Oh! And thank you for helping me calm down last night and sorry for falling asleep on you like that... You were just so..." You stopped while blushing thinking about what you were about to tell him.

Come to think of it you didn't even know his name and your already this infatuated with him. Wondering what would happen if you knew more about him you looked a little down in the thought of never seeing him again. After all you were both just strangers who just happen to have been in the same bus and the same inn. Well technically the inn wasn't a coincidence since there was only one inn in the whole town.

"..." Looking at you Killua didn't say a word but he was definitely curious about you. Instead of being scared or irritated at him in the bus you gave him a piece of chocolate. Instead of arguing with him for the bed you argued for the corner. Then you suddenly jump into his arms shaking and he was 'forced' to calm you down. When you started calming down you fell asleep on him and he could have pushed you off to the side but he didn't he felt your warmth relaxing yet unnerving at the same time. He was relaxed at the thought of not being alone but nervous because there was a defenseless girl sleeping on top of him... How was he supposed to get any sleep? Then the moment he thought you were awake he pretended to be asleep so that you wouldn't find out about how he stayed up the whole night. Just when he thought you were gonna get off of him he felt a little pinch in his heart at the thought of not meeting you again but as if reading his mind you didn't get off him you just stayed there watching him sleep without moving away. With this Killua felt a strong urge to get to know you better but he didn't want to attack you so he had to get you off of him immediately.

" wanna play a game?" Killua suggested with a smile

" eh? What game?" You said snapping out of it

" how about a game of truth? We'll take turns asking each other questions while the other gives an honest answer."

" ... Okay but who gets to ask the first question?" You replied

" well I'll let you ask first since you seem to have something you want to know about me" answered Killua with a smirk on his face

" ah! How did you know? Ahh! Wait that wasn't my question, my question is um... Well what is your name?"

" ... It's Killua zoldyck" Killua said with a shocked face at first like that was the something he didn't expect you to ask then he giggled like he thought, this is so her.

"But how did you know that I wanted to ask you something?" You asked amused

"Hmm... Well it didn't have to be my name, it could have been about something else. Hey! It's my turn." Killua retorted

"Oh okay, go ahead and ask." You said with an wide grin while thinking of how happy you were that Killua wanted to know more about you then it crossed your mind that name zoldyck you've heard it somewhere before but oh well...

"Then why did you give me a piece of chocolate before getting off the bus?" Killua asked curiously

"Hmm? Well that's because you seemed really upset. I didn't want to bother you so I decided to get off here but I also wanted to do something to ease your pain. So I looked through my pockets and that's what I found. Do you not like chocolate?" You said with a pouty face

"Hmm? Nah, I like chocolate " Killua responded with a happy grin " hehe, my turn"

And this is how you and Killua began having an endless game of truth

Happily Ever After:killua x readerWhere stories live. Discover now