A Night to Remember

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Brandon woke up and looked at his phone. It was nearly 7 am. He got up and to take a shower. He walked a crossed the soft carpet and went upstairs. Before he went to the bathroom he went to check on Kenzie who was sound asleep. He had to be extremely quiet so he wouldn't wake her up. He tiptoes to the bathroom and turns on the shower. As the cold water hits his bare skin all he can think about is everything he had to do today. He washed his body and his hair then got out to get dressed. He wore some black boxers,a black button down shirt, and some black dress pants. He ran his fingers through his hair and sprayed some cologne. He looked ready to go. Brandon made breakfast for Kenzie and left it on the counter with a note. "Got some errands to run see you later" . He went out the door and went on his way.

His first stop was a restaurant because he wanted to see if he would enjoy human food since he was a vampire. He went into a near by cafe and looked at the menu. He didn't know what any of it was but he had an idea. He closed his eyes and remembers what he ate before he turned this way. "Hmm" he says trying to remember and suddenly he remembered some chai tea and some warm bread. So that's what he ordered. He tasted the chai as the warm tea hit his tongue instantly he loved it. As he finished his food he went to finish his errands.

Kenzie's POV
It was 11:30 in the morning and smelled something good. I went downstairs and saw my favorite breakfast on the counter. French toast and berries with pancakes. I saw a note attached. "Got some errands to run see you later" I put the note down and ate my food. I texted him to let him know I was awake.

11:35 Good Morning Brandon :)
11:35 Oh Good Morning Kenzie did you sleep well?
11:36 Yes it was nice :)
11:37 I'll be home soon but I'm the mean time just relax
11:37 okay see you soon

I hung up the phone and went to take a nice long shower. I got undressed and let the hot water run down my body.

About 30 mins later

Brandon got home and had a lot of bags in his hands. He went upstairs to find Kenzie and he found her on the bed scrolling through Instagram. As Kenzie saw him she ran over to him and jumped into his arms. He gave her a hug before speaking.

"Someone is happy to see me" he said with a smirk on his face.

Kenzie didn't say anything she just kept hugging him. He put her down on the bed and she let go.

"I have something for you my dear" he said pulling out a black lacy dress, some black thigh highs and heels.

Kenzie blushed a deep shade of red from embarrassment and Shyness. "Thank you" she said.

"Now get dressed we have dinner reservations in an hour".

Leaving the room Kenzie got dressed and did her make up. She curls her hair and looks in the mirror. She loves it. She walks downstairs to shown Brandon. Instantly Brandon's jaw dropped. He couldn't believe how beautiful she was.

"Wow you look beautiful" taking her hand as he spun her around to get a good look at her.

"Aww thank you. You don't look to bad yourself" she said smiling.

"Come on let's not dilly dally we have to get going"

They left and headed for the restaurant.

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