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Two days later

Trey p.o.v
I was sitting at their study table waiting for them

Chris: whatcha doin here

Me: I can't see my friends

Chris: nigga please

Alyssa: aww how sweet

They sat down next to each other

Me: you look pretty today

Alyssa: aww thanks

I could tell Chris was getting annoyed

Chris: anyway what we working on today

Alyssa: umm

Me: ayyyy we should do math ya know one plus one equals me and you

I pointed at me then at Alyssa

She started laughing

Chris: are y'all just gonna flirt or what

Me: sounds like ya jealous

Chris: I'm not jealous

Alyssa: are you sure Christopher You sound kinda annoyed

My plan is working

Chris: so you agreeing with this nigga

Alyssa: I'm not agreeing I was ju-

He grabbed his books and backpack

Chris; you can just study with him then

He stormed away from the table

Me: geez what's wrong with him

Alyssa: I don't know trey you tell me

Me: Chris being Chris I guess

She ignored what I said and kept looking at the door

Me: so uh whatcha wanna do now

Alyssa: I think imma go home..bye

Me: uh bye
End p.o.v

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