The first surprises

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the next night she couldn't wait to sleep and visit that world again.
As soon as she closed her eyes and fell asleep, she returned to the same dream.
This time she decided to explore beyond the forest.
After walking for a while, she saw a river, it was another of the wonders of that dream.
She touched the river expecting to see some creature, but instead, the river responded by making its waters sparkle.

-This place is amazing!- she told herself.

- Yes it is...- replied a deep voice from among the trees.

Giselle took her composure when she heard that voice and looked for her owner.
-Where are you?... who are you?! -she said in a tremulous voice.

-I'm here- that voice was heard closer now, as if it were speaking to him in front, but there was no one.

--Here where? I can't see you- Giselle looked around again to see that it wasn't there.

-Down here girl!-

As the voice commanded, Giselle looked down.
To her surprise, this voice came from a rather peculiar creature, a yellow color that almost touched brown and many, many eyes.he had a tiny mouth, which was strange because her voice is so thick; Giselle squatted to get a better look at the creature.

-and who are you?-They both asked at the same time.

-i'm giselle-

-i'm prskinjerkin-

-pskr- what?- Giselle couldn't pronounce the creature's name.

-prskinjerkin- The prskinjerkin smiled to show small teeth.

Giselle went over that name in her mind before speaking. -yes .. well, nice to meet us-
she paused a few seconds.

-I don't agree with that, Giselle- he crossed her three arms annoyed. -You are stepping on my flowers and you also pissed off the water-

-Water?- Giselle looked at the water in confusion.

-Yes, you better go!- the water began to bubble aggressively, the prskinjerkin became restless and fled quickly.

Giselle ran after the prskinjerkin as fast as the water began to throw giant drops everywhere, but the prskinjerkin disappears in an instant and Giselle had to go her own way.

-mind note, do not touch anything if it is not necessary-
Giselle said quietly. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04, 2023 ⏰

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