love at first vidit

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- Quintus = bad boy, rich, daddy issues, broken, player, alcoholic (vinum addict). 

- Clemens = soft boy, kind, servus  for quintus, easily heartbroken, very broke. 

- Caecilius = disapproving pater of quintus, money obsessed, gold digger, homophobe, but has a fruity secret...

Part 1: 

last night. I cant comprehend what happened. all I know is that Quintus, he is the one. 


It was a usual night for Quintus, he was heading to the taberna, aka the club, being carried in a litter, by his devoted slaves, one of which he was later to find out, would be the one to change the game completely. 

olim he arrived at the taberna he hastily proceeded to the bar. 

"get me a drink bro" he groaned at the bartender, Grumio. 

"of course sir" he exclaimed, half distracted by the luminance of his dark blue eyes. 

when Quintus received his vinum  he chugged it down in a seductive way, glanncing in Clemens direction. 

Clemens was grinding on another slave, and quintus began to feel jealous for the first time in forever. 

why was he felling this way towards someone he had never talked to? 

if only he knew... 

suddenly quintus' hand slipped, pouring the vinum all over his thin white toga. 

"damn it!" he shouted 

Clemens came running towards him, and quintus began to get nervous. 

"are you alright sir" Clemens asked, desperately trying to remove any stains from the shirt. 

"stop! just stop! its not gonna work" quintus looked down slightly humiliated 

'bro I think you're gonna have to take your shirt off... 😏' Clemens muttered under his breath. 

'yeah I guess' quintus sighed in a seductive manner. His tone may have come across as unwilling but in his mind he had already pictured it being taken off.

just not by him...

'uh sir do you need help with that' Clemens whispered into his ear, his raspy voice echoing. 

'yeah sure thing' Quintus exclaimed without hesitation. 

Him and Clemens locked eyes for a minute, before they hastily looked the other direction

Clemens hand began to reach down the front of his toga, gently pulling away the soft Egyptian cotton... but it was not where near as soft as Quintus' bear, strong chest

As Quintus felt his cold, but yet loving hands against his chest the butterflies in his stomach had been released.

as Clemens tugged away the toga, Quintus stood, with only his sandals and boxers, with the words stud written on then in black ink.

Clemens stood and stared for a minute, before grunting and walking away, however he wouldn't stay away for long...

Clemens couldn't see this through Quintus' eyes, yet Quintus was desperate yearning for  his love and affection. 

As Clemens began to walk away, he didn't circumspectat the toga lying on the ground, and he lost his balance, but before he fell, he felt a strong grip around his waist. 

He felt his cheeks go red, and as he looked up he saw Quintus, smirking at him, his arms wrapped around him. 

'oh.. my bad, im extremely sorry for my inconvenience sir' Clemens muttered apologetically. 

'no! its really alright. just be careful next time, I would hate to see you get hurt' Quintes replied, with a soft tone. 

Clemens was surprised at this reply, it was unusual for his master to be so forgiving and merciful. 

'I think im gonna head off, back to the villa, if that's alright with-' but before he could finish his scentence, Quintus interrupted, 'NO!' 

He then blushed slightly and said 'sorry... what I wanted to say was uh maybe... would you wanna dance.' he paused 'its okay if not tho-' 

Clemens grinned, 'yeah. that would be great.' 

Clemens x Quintus (tradgedy of Pompeii)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang