Chapter 2

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POV Rachel

When I woke up, I heard some murmur next to me.

"You think she's going to wake up soon?", a deep voice said.

"I don't know, the doc said it is only a light concussion so she shoukd wake up soon", another, a little bit pitchier voice, said.

The voices were strangely familiar, but i didn't know who it was.

As I felt a sharp pain in my leg, I opened my eyes and groaned. I looked at my leg and saw it was in a cast and couldn't move it.

"Ok, I think that was soon enough", the deep voice next to me stated.

I glanced to my right and saw a light blued eyed and a brown eyed boy. The two stared me right in the eye and then I knew why the voices were familiar to me.

In front of me was the one and only Niall Horan and Liam Payne.

"Hey, ehm, are you hungry or thirsty?", Niall asked me.

I couldn't speak so I just nodded.

"Ok, we're gonna get u something, just wait here."

They walked away and I finally had the time to look around and see were I was.

I laid in a bunk bed, which was pretty small, and next to me were four others. I was in a bus, a tour bus probably, the tour bus from one direction.

Again I felt a sharp pain in my leg. 'What happened?', I asked myself.

Niall and Liam soon came back with a water bottle and some soup.

I took the water bottle and drank. My dry throat easied after a few gulps. After drinking I took the soup out of Liam's hands, said "thanks", and began to eat some.

"Hey, so what's your name?" Liam asked, as I ate my soup.

"Rachel", I said, a little shy, because I was still overhelmed from everything.

After I finished eating, there was a akward silence and nobody said anything.

"Is it ok if I let you two alone for a few minutes? I have to get something," Liam asked us.

"Yeah sure, get whatever you need," Niall answered and I just nodded.

"So..., how did this all happen?", i asked and pointed at the cast on my leg.

"You don't remember anything?", Niall asked wondering.

"I mean, I can remember driving home from the meet & greet with you guys... oh yeah i was on the way to a club in the near and then...I don't know all I remember is that I crossed the street and now I'm here.", I answered truly.

"Oh ok yeah, so we were driving to the next city for the concert in a few days and suddenly the bus stopped and our driver ran outside and we, the boys, followed him and found you infront of our bus with your longboard. So we helped you get in the bus and called a doc to check on you." Niall told me.

"Ok and what is with my leg?", I wondered.

"Yeah so it's broken and you should rest it for the next few months. You also had a light concussion, but this shoukd be ok", Niall informed me further.

"Thank you, I was just distracted for the last few hours because my boyfriend just broke with me uo, this ass, right at your concert.", I told him.

"Oh my God, what an ass!", Niall stated. "You don't deserve such a guy your worth much more."

"Oh, eh, thanks haha", I blushed.

I still couldn't believe I was on the tour bus from One Direction with Niall Horan. My Crush since forever.

I didn't knew what to say, so there was silence again.

"You want to come over to the couch? The boys are there too." Niall then asked.

"Er, yeah if I don't disturb anything."I said.

"No,no come on."

Accident or destinyOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant