Not So Dense Part 2

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TW ⚠️ Swearing ⚠️ TW

Sakusa's POV:

I saw Atsumu red when he saw me change so I asked "It's fine, You see me all the time like this. By the way, you ok? You turned red" As I put on my shirt. "I'm f-fine, Are ya done now?" "Yeah, I'm done" I said as I was going to my bed. He the went to the bathroom to change. As he was there I was quietly laughing.

I can't believe I can make him blush without trying. He really is in love with me, good thing, cause I do too.

I didn't want Atsumu to know I'm not dense. Yeah, I know they think I'm dense, I mean, I told them that I didn't know Bokuto and Akaashi were dating when it was obvious. Oh, and you may ask why I am pretending to be dense. Well my answer is, because Atsumu can freely blush around me and I get to see it, It's cute and funny. I also like how their faces say 'How did he not know?' when I pretend to be dense.

I then heard the bathroom door unlock so I stopped laughing. He then went to me and sat on my bed "Oi! Don't sit on my bed, you have germs" I said "No I don't!!! I just changed my clothes!!" "So? You didn't take a bath and your backpack can be dirty and the germs are now in your clothes." I said. "Gosh Omi, Yer overreacting too much!!" He said. I was a bit pissed off when he told me I was overreacting but I just ignored it.

"Say Omi, Can I sleep with you tonight?" He asked "Why do you ask?" "Because I want to hug yer hot body"

This Man, he really flirts with me every chance he gets. But even tho the flirt is bad, It's still Cute. I wonder what's his reaction if I flirt back? Let me try....

"Sure, I don't mind me hugging you too" "Wh-wh-what?..." He said as he turned pink, he then covered his face.

Hehe, Cute....

"Hm? You okay? You're red again, did I do something wrong?" "I-I'm f-fine, I'll just go to my bed" "Hm, Why? I told you you can sleep here if you want" "N-Never mind w-what I said!! I won't sleep on y-yer bed tonight!!" "Oh okay" I said as he went to his bed, he then covered his face with his pillow.

Hehe.... He gets flustered so easily. Gosh, He makes me fall in love with him easily. I love it!!

Atsumu's POV:

I flirted with Omi when I cam back, "Say Omi, Can I sleep with you tonight?" "Why do you ask?" "Because I want to hug yer hot body" "Sure, I don't mind me hugging you too" "Wh-wh-what?..." I felt my face turn pink so I covered it with my hands. "Hm? You okay? You're red again, did I do something wrong?" "I-I'm f-fine, I'll just go to my bed" "Hm, Why? I told you you can sleep here if you want" "N-Never mind w-what I said!! I won't sleep on y-yer bed tonight!!" I said going to my bed not looking at him "Oh okay" I then covered my face with a pillow.

D-did he just flirt back?!?! I- H-how did he know how to flirt???? W-wait, does he know that he flirted with me? I-I should ask..

"Hey Omi..." "Yes Atsu?"

A-Atsu?!?! A N-nickname?!?!

"Wait What did ya say?!?!" I said as I looked at him "I said; Yes Atsu?" "D-did ya give me a n-nickname?!?" "Yeah, I thought about it so why not?" He said, I felt my blush turn red so I looked away.

How is this man so dense yet so good at making me flustered!?!?!?

"Atsu? You okay? You need something?" I then looked around to see his face so close to mine, I immediately looked away. "Y-yer f-face is close" "Oh, sorry" I then looked back to see him sitting on his bed yet he was looking at me. "You wanted to ask something a while ago, what was it?" He asked.

Shit!! I forgot to ask about him flirting!!

"Uhm... I... Uhm.. Wanted to ask ya a-about...f-flirting back..." "Flirting back? What do you mean? I never done that."

Right. He's dense...

"Oh... Uhm, never mind!!" "Okay? You know, You're acting weird today, is everything alright?" "Y-yeah, n-nothing w-weird here!!" I said, gosh, I am bad at lying, good thing he's dense... "Okay, tell me if you need anything, I'll go to sleep. Call me if It's lunch time" "O-Okay!" After that he went to sleep.

Gosh, I'm so glad he's dense or else it would be weirder than it already is....

The Not so Dense Kiyoomi (Sakuatsu)Where stories live. Discover now