Not So Dense Part 5

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Time skip~ Next day

Atsumu's POV:

I woke up from an alarm clock, I then checked the time and it was 6am.

Thank God Practice starts at 7am!!

I then tried to get up from bed but couldn't, I then looked at my back to see Omi.....

Wait..... Omi!?!? Wait why is he here?!?..... Oh right, The thunderstorm!! Oh gosh, he probably thinks I'm weird for being scared of lightning... I should apologize for the trouble when he wakes up!!

I then heard a chuckle from Omi


"Yer awake?!?" He just laughed then said "Yes Atsu. Good Morning" "G-good Morning" He then stood up and went to the Counter. I went to him and asked what he was doing. "I'm making coffee, Do you want some too?" "Sure, A cup of coffee would be nice" I said. "Omi, Sorry about last night" I told him, he then stopped and looked at me "What do you mean Atsu? Why are you apologizing?" "Well, I disturbed you from yer sleep and you also had to take care of me because I was scared..." I told him, he then laughed a bit, I eas confused, I mean, Why was he laughing? Did I say something wrong?

"Stupid, You don't need to apologize to me. I didn't wake up because of you, I just woke up because the storm was too loud. Oh and Don't apologize for what happened to you, I mean, you couldn't control it, so why do you need to apologize for that?" "I guess. By the way, thanks for taking care of me when I was scared and also for our date yesterday" I then saw him smile "You're welcome Atsu"

After a while he gave me my coffee and both of us drank it. We then checked the time and it was 6:20, we then prepared ourselves as fast as we could then rushed to the gym.

Time Skip~ At the Gym

No One's POV:

Kiyoomi and Atsumu arrived at the gym. Fortunately for them, they were early. After a while, the coaches announced that it was time for practice.

Time Skip~ At Lunch

No One's POV:

It was now lunch and everyone gathered around at the cafeteria. Some of the people were gathered in one table, and by some I mean SakuAtsu, OsaSuna, Kagehina, BokuAka, Kuroken, IwaOi, Ushiten and Komori.

Everyone that had a lover was clinging on to them or feeding them. Komori and Atsumu felt like a third wheel. While for Sakusa, he just ignored it and listened to Songs on his earphones while eating. Sakusa was too focused on his Music that he forgot that he was with people. Everyone was stopped talking and eating when they heard Sakusa Singing.

Everyone was shocked on how beautiful his voice was. His voice was smooth and relaxing, everyone thought so, especially Atsumu.

Atsumu thought that Sakusa's voice was hot, Soothing, Relaxing, and It was also Perfect. And how did Atsumu know this? Well, Atsumu knew this song very well since it was his favorite, he knew the lyrics, the tune, and the melody. Atsumu knew that his voice would be more than perfect with the tune of the music, he knew that his voice and that melody would be the perfect match and the perfect music.

After a while Sakusa was done singing and then everyone at the canteen clapped. Sakusa was confused at first and then he realized that he sang out loud, he was so embarrassed that he hid his face on the table, everyone then laughed and continued to eat.

After that lunch was over and they headed to their dorms since they had 30mins of break then they would practice until 4:30pm and also have dinner until 6pm. This schedule would always repeat and so were Sakuatsu's 'date' nights after practice.

The Not so Dense Kiyoomi (Sakuatsu)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum