Chapter 17

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~30 minutes into the meet and great~
Gemini's POV
i looked up seeing more people had came in and i lost the color in my face. he was here and with another girl.
he made eye contact with me and started walking towards me. "SULLY" i yelled but it was to late.

he grabbed a knife out his pocket and tried stabbing my stomach but i covered it with my arms.

he ended up slashing my arm instead because i had my jacket off and sully and another of Billie's body guards got him and the girl out. Billie ran over to me seeing blood start to flow out of my arm quick.

her other body guard made sure no one else came in the room and told them the meet and great was cancelled. Billie took her shirt off and ripped it with her teeth wrapping the piece around my arm.

a few minutes later i saw two paramedics come in. they saw that ripped shirt Billie wrapped around my arm was now drenched in blood.

"alright you can follow us out to the ambulance we need to get this checked out and cleaned" they said. i started following them, making sure Billie was behind me.

i climbed in the ambulance along with Billie and sat down. they kept the doors open, not knowing if we had to go to the hospital.

they too the ripped shirt off and instantly put some gauze on my wound. they got the blood to stop flowing and wiped it off. "alright your gonna need stitches"

"how many" "10" i nodded and he gave more the supplies to do it. "ok im about to start in 3, 2, 1" i squeezed my eyes shut feeling the needle enter my arm.

~10 minutes later~

"alright last one and I'm done" he tied them off and i squeezed my fist to that arm making sure it wasn't numb.

"make sure you take pin killers and move your arm around frequently and put Vaseline on it when cleaning your bandage" "ok thank you" i said as he got out the car.

i looked over at Billie and saw that she had tears filled in her eyes. "what's wrong bubba" "it's all my fault" she sobbed out. "it's not im ok but i need you to calm down"

"im so sorry" she sobbed putting her head on my chest gently trying not to hurt me. i moved her head to where my heart beat was to get her calm.

i ran my fingers through her hair and rubbed her back. "im ok im here and you hear my heartbeat." her being able to hear my heartbeat seemed to calm down her crying and a little.
about 5 minutes later she was just still sniffing and Maggie and everyone else came over to the open doors with worried faces.

"you ok" i nodded my head at Maggie's question. "it wasn't my first time getting stitches but it still hurt"

"um i just wanted to let you know that they have him under watch and he got arrested and if you want to get a restraining order against him we can go get it done tomorrow morning since the shows for the rest of the week are canceled"

"i'd like that and i'd like for you guys to come with me if that's ok" they all nodded, agreeing. "you ok now bub" she nodded her head and got up.

"instead of getting an Uber i got security trucks and you and Billie have one together and we already put your guy's stuff in there for you" "ok thank you i just have to pay the bill for the ambulance"

"it's ok honey i already payed for it" "thank you and really didn't have to do that" she just nodded her head and me and Billie got out the back out the ambulance. "he's right there and Sully is in the front seat and i made sure tell him to put the heater on"

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