Jack Grealish- Foden's sister

Start from the beginning

Ella stands on her tip toes to look through the small peephole on the door and she sees Jack wearing black trakies and a plain dark blue that she can only see the collar of because he is wearing a light grey hoodie with the England symbol on obviously. Ella giggles to herself softly before she realises she has been looking for too long.
"Are you going to let me in or just stare at me?" Jack chuckles.
Ella stumbles back and and opens the door looking down embarrassed. Jack chuckles and looks at Ella. He admits to himself that she looks beautiful, it would be hard to miss it.
"You look..." he begins but seems speechless. "Beautiful." Jack finishes.
"Thank you. You dont look to bad yourself." Ella laughs. Jack smiles and they both begin to walk together. Ella had actually no idea where she was taking Jack but eventually decided she would take him to a cafe called Roses and Thorns. When Jack and Phil went back to where Ella lived to visit her they would always go to a cafe called Roses and Thorns and its one if the places where they made their best memories and it so happens there is one near where they are right now. Ella found that out after a few minutes of going on google maps.

"Is this a date?" Jack asks with a small grin on his face.
"Not a date. Just paying you back for last night." Ella replys with a smile.
"Lair. This is so a date." Jack laughs. Ella slightly hits him on his arm making Jack chuckle more. She liked Jack since she met him 4 years ago and by the way things are going it doesnt look like that's about to change.
"Ms Foden, you should be proud go go on a date with me. Any girl would kill for this." Jack says with a cocky voice.
"Im not 'any girl' jack. You said it yourself, im Ms Foden. And you should be proud to go on a date with me Mr Grealish." She mocks his words. He laughs and it seems he didn't really get what Ella was trying to say.
"So it is a date Foden." He explains with a smirk on his face.
"Maybe it is Grealish." Ella replies as they approach the cafe. Jack suddenly stops and looks at the cafe.
"I didn't even know there was one around here..." he says exploring the cafè with his eyes.
"Are you just going to stand there or are you going to come inside. We dont have all day." Ella giggles.

They walk in a get seated a table near a radiator which is good because Ella was actually freezing because she isn't exactly wearing weatyer appropriate clothes for this date. Its almost winter. Jack was smart to take his hoodie, Ella just wanted to show off her dress which is understandable.
They order drinks and jack orders a beer and Ella just decides to order a hot chocolate. She is dead seriously cold. Its like the heating doesnt even work cause the radiator is bearly even on.
"I cant believe you brought me to this place. The amount of memories that are all coming back to me is ridiculous." Jack laughs. Ella smiles at him hoping the one embarrassing time at the cafe wont come up.
"Oh remember that time when you embarrassed the shit out of yourself..." Jack laughs. He can barely finish his sentence he is laughing none stop. Ella drops her head to the table in ther arms embarrassed but also laughing with him.
The date passes and it goes amazing for the both of them apart from the cold chills Ella would get every so often. Ella ordered a nice pasta and Jack ordered a burger. Ella figured he would have some sort of diet of things he wasnt allow to eat to stay healthy but also realised that they are on a date so fuck it.

It is around 2pm now and they have just eaten dinner and hsve asked for the check. Ella gets out her purse to pay because its her way of saying thank you for last night but jack snatches her card out of her hand before she can pay. Ellas head flings towards him.
"Give it back Grealish. Im paying." Ella says glaring at him in a playful way.
Jack doesn't say anything i keep glaring at him and the waiter xomes over and jack swipes bis card on the machine.
"Im meant to be thanking you for last night. I was meant to pay. Not you." Ella says standing up to get ready to leave.
"Tough then innit." He laughs. She smiles at him shaking my head. He gets up and we both leave but she puts down a £5 tip because its a nice place apart from the heating, when she looks around she can still see people wearing their coats.

They head outside and the cold air hits her like a wave. Ella begins the shiver and rub her arms to keep them warm. She begins walking but notice jack is walking behind. Ella turns argound to see bim taking his jumper off and passing it to her.
"You sure? Wont you be cold?" Ella asked concerned.
"Nah. You're more important." He replies. Ella smiles and slips on the jumper and instantly feels warm. She smells the jumper and it smells exactly like him which makes more butterflies bounce around her stomach.

They get back to the compound and they both head separate ways but Ella keeps on his hoodie and decides to keep it. For a while. Its an oversized hoodie which smells like the jack grealish, i mean, who wouldn't want it. Ella then suddenly receives a message from an unknown number.
Unknown: hey :)
Ella: who is this?
Unknown: ouch, has it really been that long?
Ella: grealish...
Unknown: thats me ;)
Ella: how did you get my numer -_-
Jack: your brother.
Ella: obviously
Jack: imma call you little foden in my contacts
Ella: and what am i meant to call you in mine?
Jack: how about 🦋Grealish 💙
Ella: you love yourself dont you?
Jack: yup. Now change my name.
Ella: fine. Done.
🦋Grealish 💙: good. Now ill see you later :)
Ella: sounds good.
🦋Grealish 💙: cya little foden.
Ella: bye grealish

sorry if i at any point put 'i' instead of 'she','her' or 'Ella'. I get confused sometimes 😅

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