Start from the beginning

"just grab her and go!" minyoung told him as she glanced back at the protein monster. it had escaped from the fire truck and was now ripping the vehicle's doors off.

sangwook took yuri in his arms and pulled her out of the car. he turned and gestured to a pair of concrete pipes stacked on each other, "this way!" he told minyoung as he ran towards it.

"what about green home?" minyoung asked in confusion, staying beside the car.

"the car!" sangwook yelled. minyoung looked down and saw some sort of fluid travelling through the dirt towards sparks. minyoung frowned at sangwook, still confused, and he shouted to her, "just come on!"

minyoung was confused but she trusted sangwook and so she ran after him. sangwook hid in one of the pipes and minyoung dived in after him. but not before the car blew up. an eruption of fire, gas, smoke and debris flew everywhere, determined to harm everyone it could.

minyoung, who had only been half inside the pipe when it happened, was yanked inside by sangwook. a searing hot sensation crawled up her leg and she turned to see her leg on fire.

"shit! shit! what do i do?" she yelled at sangwook, writhing in pain and fear. she didn't wait for him to answer and started slamming her leg onto the pipe to stop the fire. it did nothing except force her leg to go numb.

quick thinking, sangwook grabbed her shoulders and shook her to stop her from freaking out. he took off his jacket and placed it over her leg, putting out the fire.

"fuck, it hurts!" minyoung cried out as sangwook pulled his jacket away to reveal a part of minyoung's jeans burnt off of her leg, revealing a sore red underneath. minyoung went to place a hand on it but sangwook stopped her.

"don't touch it." sangwook told her as he grabbed her wrist and pushed it away.

"shit. shit. oh my fricking heck, it hurts so bad." minyoung felt tears drip down her face. it felt like it was still on fire. why wasn't it stopping? some feeling in it was lost, but what she could feel was so excruciating that she felt like she would pass out.

minyoung nodded to yuri, who was still unconscious and wrapped in sangwook's arms. "is she okay?" she asked.

sangwook opened his mouth to reply but he was stopped by a loud roar from the muscle monster. minyoung stuck her head out of the pipe in curiosity and sangwook immediately yanked her back in.

"you idiot!" he hissed at her, his eyes full of concern.

minyoung quickly shook her head at him, "no, it's okay! the monster's gone!"


approximtely forty-five minutes later, minyoung was sat in the medic room, reading eunyoo's 'bastard' comic. minyoung was waiting for someone to treat her wound, if they even had time. yuri was the most injured and so she was the first one to be taken care of.

however, it seemed that minyoung could be treated as eunhyuk walked in, holding a box of medical supplies. "you okay?" he asked. then he frowned and pointed to minyoung's hand, "why do you have a bandage on your hand?"

"i cut my hand on some glass but it's fine, i fixed it." minyoung replied. she was sort of irritated at herself for putting herself in unnecessary danger yet she was also glad she did it - who knows what could have happened to yuri if she hadn't?

𝖭𝖮𝖳𝖧𝖨𝖭𝖦 𝖨𝖭 𝖳𝖧𝖨𝖲 𝖶𝖮𝖱𝖫𝖣  ━━  sweet homeWhere stories live. Discover now