just stuff in a mad house

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Sitting at carl's uncle's house. I love that internet here. It makes me really happy to have it. Unfortunatly I am socializing. Im a bad socializer. Carl and I rented movies and everything then came over here. No more good time watching movies. At least we get to sleep together though. My tummy hurts. Its been acting up so much. At least my prom dress got adjusted. It looks really good. I get to go again.

I have t go to the hospital on march the 7th. They're gonna check my inards again with a camera or something. Gastroenterologist check up. Also I paid my half of my vacations costs. 32 bucks to last. Everyones running around. Its making me nervous even though i took my meds. I think it must be the weather.

I want to get my face pierced again. Snake bites. Or maybe spider bites would be better. I like spider bitesa lot provided they aint from actual spiders. Those itch.

We got anacks at the store. I think the nigjts looking up. Maybe its the smell of incense burning the fact that I got to take a trip to the store and the promise of apple and kiwi juice later but ive calmed a bit.

That reminds me somethi g embarasing happened at school Wednesday. I got a little sick in my belly. It was like gas. Anyways id go to the bathroom and it would feel better bit start nack up so I was all like ow. Then after lunch my organs reaxted and swelled the bread stick and I got gassy and swelled to a giant ball again and it hurt and hurt. I went to the nurse and she listenednto my belly and said it was gas. She had me walk around and asked me if it was hurting my concentration. I said yes or I wouldnt comebup. Walking disnt help it made it worse so I hada go home.

Sent home on account of gas. That was a first for me. It was horrible.

Moody noticed I went home and asked what happened so I fessed up. Now I still have gas and its just weird to have around everyone.

My dads been acting weird to since we had that fightm now hes alwaya saying he loves me and said he was gonna try to wprk woth me and give me space and freedoem to grow up. Mom still fusses but he tells her to leave it be and lets me go. Its nice to have that freedom.

I feel just wrord today. I think its my belly. Rolling around. I hope everything is gonna be ok. I cant tell if I just have a bad feeling or what. Nerves. Nerves are making my belly role. I wish I knew what was wrong.

inside my headDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora