chp12 : It's Breakfast

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Yuji close his door, leaving sukuna alone in his room and walk to the kitchen. When yuji were there, he saw megumi and nobara standing to each other's, holding a glass of maybe hot coco, tea or coffee?

Yuji smile to them going to great them "morning fushiguro, morning kugisaki" but then shocked when saw their face look tired like they are not have enough sleep.

"Ehh.. what's wrong with you guys? Don't you go to sleep last night?"

"We got interrupted by an annoying sound last night" nobara say with yawning.

"We heard some kind of sounds like rumbling and breathing heavily" megumi continue.

"You heard it too right itadori?" Nobara ask.

"Oh- ohh yeahh.. I heard it too but i close my ear with my pillow and just continue to sleep" yuji say it with sweat at his forehead. His heart start beating faster worries that they might noticed it is his voice moaning on sukuna last night

"I tried to move my body up to look for it but my body just so tired even to get up" nobara says.

"That's stupid sound really disturbing" nobara say again.

"Maybe it's a curse" yuji say it randomly to clear everything up.

"If it is a curse I'll make sure to kill it if i heard it again this night" vain in nobara head.

"I won't give it a change again too this time" megumi say it then stare at yuji.

Scare of they would know the truth, yuji cut the conversation "I'm sorry I not prepare breakfast yet, I'll make some breakfast for us now" yuji grab his apron's and start to make some breakfast.

Finished make some breakfast, yuji serve to megumi and nobara. Yuji then grabe two plate. "If you guys don't mind, I want to go to my room to eat"

"Wait are you going to eat that much?" Megumi mentioning yuji's food quantity and pointing at it.

"Yeahh it just im hungry seen last night so i want to eat more for today" yuji answer.

"Yuji wait, i want to discuss about the rest of this week though, due to our time to recovering our injuries. Did you guys have any plans?" Nobara ask.

"I prefer to sleep for the rest of today and discuss it later" megumi answer.

"I'll agree with fushiguro" yuji continue.

"All right so we'll discuss it later, so I think I want to go to sleep too for today" nobara say.

Yuji walking away to his room, opening his door and enter it. Saw sukuna standing beside his bed adjusting his belt, he probably just done wearing his kimono back. Yuji close the door using his foot and bring the breakfast to sukuna.

They both sitting on bed to start eating. Sukuna grab his spoon and take his first spoon then swallow the food, while yuji is beside him staring at him and waiting for sukuna reactions about his cook.

"Hmm not bad" sukuna then face yuji. "That's mean it's good, so you like it?" Yuji ask. "I told you it's not bad" sukuna say then grab his spoon to continue eating. "I assume you might like it" yuji smile a bit.

"Im not expected that you'll keep eat it, i mean I don't know that cursed also could eat humans foods"

"Not all cursed can eat.. I-.. we don't eat it doesn't mean we can't eat it, we not feeling hungry so why would we eat it" sukuna answer. "Simple, because it's delicious!" Yuji laughed a bit.

Sukuna stare at yuji's laughed and smile silently. "Cute~" with his sound lowered and faced away. "What? Are you saying something? Are you complaining my cook?" Yuji not heard what's sukuna whispering about. "It's nothing about your cook you bastard" finishing their breakfast, yuji left sukuna alone again. Walking to the kitchen to clear the dishes.

Then he meet with megumi in front of the refrigerator with it door opened. "Fushiguro, are you looking for food?" Yuji ask. Megumi then close the refrigerator. Put his hand at back his head and scratch it "I'm looking for you actually itadori"

"Huh me?" Yuji point him self. After cleaning the dishes, they both sitting on the table facing to each other's. "So what fushiguro?" "I want to make sure that what I heard last night is not like what I'm thinking are"

Yuji grit his grip, gulping and feel the pressure. "Didn't you forget that we are living next door? I heard you saying sukuna name last night. What's that supposed to be meaning of?" Megumi stare deep into yuji's eyes making yuji trembling felt more nervous.

"I- a- that's you might be listening to something else I guess.. it might me a curse around that calling over sukuna names" sweating all over yuji's head.

"There's no use for you to lie on me itadori, I know that you are hiding something. When I walked to your door last night, the sound already gone. I want to check it out but your room was locked"

"Ehh.. isn't you a bit disturbing my privacy fushiguro?" Sweat on his forehead and yuji start to scratch his jaw.

"What?! It is about sukuna! Seems you not telling the truth I need to find it by myself by spying on you" megumi rise his voice a bit.

"You spy on me? Heyy! give me some privacy fushiguro.." vain on megumi head.
"I'll tell gojo-sensei about this then" megumi stand up and leave the conversation. "Arhh fushiguro stopp!! Okayy I'll tell you the truth but don't tell anyone else!" Yuji with his togepi eyes begging on megumi.

"It base on the situation" megumi told yuji, and of course his answer not calming down the situation. "Mm.. so the truth is.." yuji with his togepi eyes and both his index finger bumping to each other. Yuji dont know how to figure out the words to say, he take a deep breath and slowly to speak out the truth.

"I and sukuna.. we both having fun last night"

Love With King Of Cursed ( Yuji X Sukuna )Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora