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the smooth and clean surface of the pages was slowly being ruined by each scribble that kageyama drew. it was his way of escaping the noise that was filling the entire classroom. normally he wouldn't be bothered by it, but laying his head on the desk now seems more like a great option.

his eyes drooping, barely keeping track of his nonsense scribbles and the way his hand weakly controlled the wooden pencil. it felt like eternity waiting for class to start. it's not like he really wanted it to start, he just badly wanted to get this day done.

the bursting of the door caught half of their classmates' attention. kageyama could only glance and quickly went back to scribbling when he saw a glimpse of orange hair bouncing up and down. it didn't take long for the tangerine to clumsily take his seat while still catching his breath.

"kageyama…" he called out, words coming out as a whisper as he sprawled on his seat.

"do you— do you perhaps… have an inhaler?" the tangerine managed to ask, hand on his chest as he looked defeated.

kageyama, who still has his head laying on the desk, blankly and gloomily stared back at him.

"i don't have asthma." he muttered with furrowed brows, watching hinata shouyou slowly make progress by fixing his seat.

"right." he sighed, finally able to catch some breath. "i don't either."

he took a few more inhales and exhales before finally confirming that he can breathe.

"my bike broke." he sulked, slumping on his seat and laying his head on his desk in an attempt to get a clear view of kageyama's reaction.

"it's a bad morning today."

kageyama kept on scribbling mindlessly. he hummed as a reply, the strands of his hair covering his empty eyes.

"always." he muttered, but hinata wasn't able to catch that as he was now preoccupied by the noise in the classroom.

"where's the teacher? am i late? what's that? are you writing notes?" hinata bombarded him with questions and before kageyama could even react nor reply, hinata was already leaning in to take a peek at his notebook.

"oh geez, you're just scribbling."

kageyama furrowed his brows and glared at the boy as he slumped back on his seat.

"thank god, i thought i was in trouble."

he didn't pay much attention to the boy's words. he was already fixing his things as he didn't like getting caught being in his own world. because his world is nothing but full of insecurities and comparison, and he didn't like the idea of people finding that out. why? because he was afraid that they'll agree with it.

"i thought you were writing notes, but then i realized that you're not the type to do something like that." hinata chuckled, clearly delivering his statement as a light-hearted joke.

but kageyama didn't take that well.

it just made him stop fixing his things as he bit his bottom lip. hinata was right, and he hates that because that just proves his thoughts about himself right. it just gives him more reason to be in his own world.

not the type to get something right. not the type to comfort someone. not the type to smile prettily. not the type to be smart. not the type to study. not the type to take down notes.

'not the type', but clearly it was just pure judgement to him.

perhaps he was offended too easily? maybe that's why people assume so much about him? maybe because it's the fact that he wasn't one to approach someone first or even continue to have a stable conversation with them. maybe he was weird from everyone's perspective.

form of love; kageyama tobioWhere stories live. Discover now