Remembering the past Part I(Rise of a hero)

Start from the beginning

Ron: Ahhhhhhhh IM ON FIRE IM ON FIRE!!!!!!! WAIT Im on fire but im not hurt.

So i tried shoot something with my hand and i was able to shoot fire with my hand but instead i set the whole forest on fire.

I been searching him for hours now and im getting worried that he might get hurt but suddenly i saw a huge looking fire man that cause the fire in the forest. I tried to called grampa bruce about the thing and grampa bruce cane with fire extinguisher in hand. We managed to took out the fire but then face at the alien looking fire man.


Luz: Yeah what have you done to Ron???

Ron(Headblast): Guyssss wait its me Ron.

Luz and Bruce: RON!!!!!

The watch suddenly time out and Ron reverted back into his human form.

Ron: UMMMM i can explain.

After Ron explanation i was shocked and amazed at the same time. He was able to transform into that thing just now. Pretty cool and awesome i might say. Well except causing the forest on fire is bad but hey at least he had something cool for once. Me and Ron were talking about the watch but then something on the radio. They say there's an giant robot alien attack a nearby town. So we didn't hesitate to go there.

After we arrived at the scene, we saw the robot saw extremely huge.

I don't know why he's attacking the town but i think that thing want something

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I don't know why he's attacking the town but i think that thing want something. The robot then turn his attention to Ron. That thing wanted Ron watch and say that the device on his wrist is called the omnitrix. The robot tried to attack Ron with full power but.......

Ron: Well if you want this thing then you have to take it from me.

Me and grampa bruce were trying to escort the civilian to safety but then i saw Ron transfrom into something more diamond like alien.

Me and grampa bruce were trying to escort the civilian to safety but then i saw Ron transfrom into something more diamond like alien

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The Witch and The Hero: The owl house crossover(Luz x OC reader)Where stories live. Discover now