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Today is going to be long

I walked back to where I left Alastor and Veronica only to see her laughing and jumping around. "Tell me another story! Tell me another!"

I grimaced at this and made my way towards the two. With all the information I have I just can't look Alastor straight in the eyes. I really don't want to believe he is the killer but I can't disclose him until I see the evidence that Edward was holding back from me. "I see you two got along pretty well."

"Oh yes we did! Mister tell her one of your stories!!! Ooo tell her about the one with the lady and the par-." Before she could finish her sentence Alastor placed his hand on top of her head and started to rub into her hair.

I knew exactly what she was about to say and that made my blood run cold.

"Gah! My hair!" She pulls away from him and she starts to giggle. "Now, I don't think (Y/N) has the time to listen to the story right now but maybe another day."

Before Veronica could object Alastor grabs me by the arm and makes his way out the main doors. We got a nice distance away from the morgue before I yanked my arm out of his grasp.

"I can walk on my own thank you." I rub my arm which is a little sore.

He doesn't say anything but I can see his smile twitch, I guess he didn't like me pulling away from him. We stood in silence for a good minute until he decided to speak.

"So what happened back there to make you so fidgety, you look like you've seen a ghost my dear."

I grimaced when he said 'dear' I just didn't feel right being called that from him at the moment. I normally didn't mind it but with everything happening I just couldn't handle it.

"I'm sorry Alastor but it's all classified. Now if you'll excuse me, It was nice hanging out with you today but I need some things to go over. I have a long day ahead of me and I need to get some stuff done."

"Of course dear! Oh boy it is really late, I have a night show tonight so I must excuse myself as well. Have a wonderful night my dear."

And with that he waved goodbye as he ran down the sidewalk. As he left my view I began to remember the conversation I had with Veronica's dad.

If everything I have is true then I have not one but two killers to deal with. I began to run my hands through my hair in thought. I wished John was out of the hospital by now so he could help me. But right now I'm by myself.

All I know is that John and I aren't safe, with Edward most likely wanting us dead as well as the killer who may not be the person I wish I could call a friend. I'm still upset that poor Mimzy was killed in the crossfire of all of this, Edward had the motive to kill her so I don't doubt one bit that it was him.

I especially knew that the serial killer didn't do it, the killer is known for their clean kills and missing body pieces from the bodies. People speculate they might be a cannibal. Her death was too messy to be the killer, and she seemed to be all in one piece as well. And if Alastor was the killer I didn't see him as the kind to kill a friend if he didn't need to.

Putting both my hands on my head I start to shake my hair like crazy trying to piece everything together. All I know is that I can't let Edward visit John alone.

Trying to calm down I try to come up with a plan to be able to confront Edward about Mimzy's murder and Felix's death. Hopefully get a team to help bring him in. I also need to gather all the info Edward had on Alastor as well. But where to start? Would he keep the info all in his office?

He probably keeps it in his room to keep it safe from prying eyes so he can get full claim on solving the case.

I sigh in defeat now, that's probably what he would do. I suddenly got stopped in my tracks, I bumped into a pretty large figure. I looked up to see a middle aged man, presumably 230 pounds. And clearly drunk out of his mind, not wanting to upset him I moved to the side and continued walking.

Unluckily for me he grabbed my wrist pulling me up to his face, "You bumped into me almost causing me to fall in the road and don't even apologize??! Someone needs to teach you some manners sweetheart."

This just infuriated me, I almost bumped him into the road? This dude is too heavy for me to even do that if I meant to! I calmed myself down trying my best to get out of here without a fight. "I'm sorry sir and it won't happen again."

And with that he let me go grumbling to himself, "Young folk these days." I watched him walk away and dusted myself off.  I shake my head in annoyance. 

I was about to leave until I felt a pair of eyes on me, I looked around but saw nothing standing out in particular so I shrugged it off.


Time has passed, the moon was high and a familiar man was out drinking once more.

Still frustrated with that young lady running into him he decided to take one last stroll to calm down before heading home to his wife.

He takes a turn into an alley and plops down near a wall to think. Looking at the beer bottle in his hand he reluctantly went for another sip before stopping and throwing the bottle in disgust.

The bottle shatters hitting the wall on the other side of the alley as the man cries into his hands. He thought of himself as a disgrace, he just lost his job today and was drinking non stop and took out his anger on an innocent woman.

He continued to cry until there were no more tears. He stood up and looked up to the sky promising himself to be better. Planning to hopefully run into the women again to apologize.

Just before he could leave the alley he felt a sharp pain in his back but before he could scream in pain his throat was slit. Stopping any sound to come out of him eventually killing the man.

And above him stood a dark figure where all you could see was that damned smile on their face growing wider and wider with pleasure as they gripped a bloody knife in their hand.


I kept walking into the night, still trying to think of a plan to catch Edward. I stopped once I noticed a store. It seemed to sell accessories but what stood out to me were the beautifully crafted canes they had in the window of the store. I looked to see that it still had an open sign so I decided to go inside.

The door makes a 'ding' as I enter.

The owner of the store noticed me and welcomed me inside. I walk up to them; "Do you have any canes suited for a taller fellow. Around 6'5." I asked.

"Why of course my dear! Here let me grab a couple so you can see." The owner said before they went to the back to grab some canes.

I looked around the store for a bit until I heard the owner come back.

"Here you go miss, I've got a couple canes that you can look at!" He happily said as he placed the canes on a table to inspect them.

I walk over to the table and start to look through all the canes, nothing really stood out to me until the last one. It was a beautiful black cane with gold accents. But what really stood out was the top of the cane which looked like a giant purl sat at the top.

"How much is this one?" I ask.

"Oh? It's $15.69." He stated while looking at the cane I pointed out.

It was a little pricey but it was for John so I really didn't complain. "I'll take it."

I handed him the money which he gladly accepted. "Would you like me to gift wrap it for you? Free of charge!" I nodded and thanked him.

I wait for him to finish putting it in a nice looking box which he tied with a pretty red bow.

"I hope the person who receives this gift enjoys it. You have a good eye for things Ms." I thanked the man once more for the compliment, and with that I left the store with the newly bought gift.

Now all I had to do was plan, and wait.


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