The Abandoned Dorm

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Jaden and his friends Sy, Husselberry, and Alexis were just walking in the woods of Duel Academy, when they came upon an abandoned dorm. Jaden steps over the chain saying," Let's venture in and see what we can find in the legendary abandoned dorm here." Sy looks around and quivers because it feels like someone watching them. He looks over and sees that his friends have left him out in the woods. Sy runs inside the dorm nearly nocking over Jaden. Husselberry says with worry and wonder," Whoa there solder. You look like you've seen a ghost." Alexis says anoyyed," Are we here to look around or to just admire the front room?" Jaden says with his usual fun filled voice," good point. Let's go." Sy just stands there looking petrified. Jaden notices this and turns around leaving Husselberry and Alexis to start looking first. Jaden walks back to Sy and asks him with worry," What is it Sy?" Sy studders with fear clear as day in his voice," it feels like someone is watching us Jaden. Let's go back." Jaden says seriously," Sy, I vow not to let anything harm you or the others here ok?" Sy sighs," ok I guess." Just then someone laughed, an evil, blood curling, laugh. Sy ran toward Alexis and Husselberry while Jaden was nocked out and carried off. The person said in a very scratchy, deep, voice," I will preclude you all from leaving this place." And laughed that blood curling laugh once again.

Sy can't believe that the always happy and alert Jaden has been kidnapped. He sees the person's face and he faints. The person's face looks like it has been burnt, eyes glowing red, lips covered with blood, and his nose is completely gone. He disappears into the shadows leaving the three friends just looking after the person in shock. Sy then gets out of his shock and runs off to a hole in the wall that is in the corner of the room. Husselberry vigorously tries and nock down the wall but it stays firm in place. Sy screams as the floor below him opens and he falls down a hidden hole.

Jaden wakes up to a throbbing pain in his head, looking down he sees that he is strapped to a chair. Then he sees Sy strapped to a table with ropes on his wrists and ankles. He hears a scream that sounds more like a dino roaring and soon Husselberry falls in, landing on his butt. He looks around and sees two people hanging from the ceiling by chains. One of them has similar looks to Alexis and the other is some stranger to all but Jaden. The stranger hanging from the ceiling is Jaden's twin and the twin had been lacerated before being hung by chains. Husselberry looks around the room and sees Jaden strapped to an electric chair and Sy tied to a stretching table. Husselberry sees a rope hanging and soon he is hit on the head and knocked out cold. Soon a third man comes out and rips off Husselberry's shirt and vest and ties his wrists above his head with the rope. Alexis is resting in a very hidden corner of the room near the ceiling watching in sadness that she can't do anything. Jaden looks up and he sees his twin brother Huda. Jaden says sadly and quietly," Hua, so you were hung by these people Huh? Look at me, I'm talking to a corpse that used to be my brother Huda Restponda Yuki." He says that while crying silently and as soon as the first tear falls on the chair Jaden gets shocked and screams an earpircing scream.

Sy wakes up with a start and looks over to see Jaden with pure fear in his eyes, a look of pain on his face, and panting from the shock, the electricity visible on the chair itself and on Jaden. One of the three men looks up and sees Alexis. He takes off his black jacket and his thick gloves to reveal his black demon wings and his hands which have thick metal spikes in the knuckles. He then, opens his demon wings and flies up to her and with one bloody punch, she falls off and lands on her feet only to break both ankles. Alexis screams which brings Husselberry out of unconsciousness and he looks around just in time to get hit by an iron studded whip. Husselberry screams and curses that he is unable to stop the man whipping him. After ten min, Husselberry's back is bleeding from the multiple place the whip broke skin. The last one of the three men walks over to Sy who is quivering in fear on the table. The man smiles when he sees Sy's look of pure fear as he pulls the switch back which causes the ropes to start retracting, pulling Sy by his wrists and ankles.

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