chapter 6

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Yibo runs towards xiao Zhan house. He had many things in his mind right now but one was above all of them and that is keeping xiao Zhan with him.

Xiao Zhan and A-yuan were in the house. Zhan did not go to his office cause he wanted to spend some time with his son.  But suddenly they hear the doorbell ring. They were surprised at first as they were not expecting any guests. But suddenly Zhan remembered that qing had gone out. He thought that she had forgotten her key. "Coming coming" Zhan said irritatedly as the bell keeps ringing.

Yibo was pressing the doorbell restlessly. He does not want to waste a single bit of time.

Xiao Zhan opened the door but froze when someone suddenly hugged him. After some time he knew who the person was without looking at his face. He does not have to. The warmth he is feeling is enough to make him know who the other person was.

He slowly pushed the person away though he wanted to hug for a little while.   Thought he wished that he could stay in this warmth forever.

"What brings you he..." Before he could complete his words he was cut off by yibo "I LOVE YOU"

Zhan was shocked, all he was thinking was ' no this cannot happen, I won't let you love me. You have to hate me no matter what'

"NO YOU DON'T" he shouted.

No he cannot let this happen not now," you should not love me, you should hate me hate is all that you have for me" Zhan said. He was already a crying mess. He did not except that but he knows he needs this love he needs this love so much but he cannot be selfish not right now he cannot ruin yibo's whole life. He just cannot do it he told himself.

"Zhan I could never hate you. I love you and in my heart there can only be love for you. I could never hate you" yibo replied.

"No, you should hate me. I left you 4 years ago, I broke your heart. I broke the promise we made. I... I.." Zhan was thinking about something that will make yibo hate him. So much that he would never want to see zhan's face again in his whole life.

"I...I...I cheated on you. Look A-yuan is already 6. I cheated on you. When we were dating I cheated on you. Yibo you should hate me" Zhan said.

"Zhan I don't hate you I can never..." Before he could complete Zhan was already on his knees.

"Please hate me yibo. Please I want you to hate me. Hate me so that you would..." Zhan stopped when he realized what he was about to say.

"And more importantly I don't even love you. I already have someone and I  am gonna..." He did not know what he was saying. He was not even thinking before he spoke. But all he wanted was yibo to go away right now but before he could complete yibo cut him.

"Zhan can you stop pushing me away. I know everything. I know, can you stop being so selfish and  only think about your point of view. I love you and no matter how many time you push me, how many times you lie I WONT LEAVE YOU"

"If you know everything then why are you hear. Don't you know that you are the one who will get hurt in the end. Then why yibo why" Zhan asked.

"Cause I love you and no matter what happens I will always love you. Zhan I know you love me too. Why not spend the remaining time together. Loving eachother staying with each other. Being eachother support. Enjoying the present and forgetting the future" yibo said calmly hugging Zhan.

"But after forgetting the future will the thing that is going to happen in future disappear??" Zhan asked.

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