chapter 2

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When Emily returned back after her dad was fine. But She had another problem to solve. Her broken best friend. She tried her best.

When everything was solved, yibo was not ok but was like a living dead who was looking fine from out but only she could see the pain.

She had thought of telling yibo many times about Zhan but always stopped when she remembered the words of Zhan saying he trust her.

She believes that Zhan has his reasons and also has hopes that Zhan will be back. It has been 4 years and she still hopes. Hopes that Zhan will be back.

In these four years yibo was all alone in his life. He never let anyone take zhan's place. where as Emily is already married and has a 2 year kid. Yibo and Emily are still best friends.

Yibo hates Zhan well that is what he says and tells everyone and also thinks himself.

"Daddy yibo" A child comes towards him and holds yibo's hand. Yibo was confused. He had never seen this kid his entire life and also how did he know his name.

"Baby, are you alone and how do you know my name." Yibo asked softly.
"No,I am not alone. And of course I know you. You are my Baba's life. Do you know my Baba loves you so much. He has your pictures all over his room. There is no one in the world who loves you more than Baba" the kid said.

Yibo did not say anything and was speechless. He did not know who is this Baba, and also was shocked about a kid telling these things. How could someone teach like this to a kid.

"Baby, who is your ba..." Before he could complete a girl cut him. "A-yuan  why did you run away do you know how worried Baba was" the girl shouted at the kid named A-yuan.

"I am sorry aunty qing but I ran because I saw daddy yibo" A-yuan said. Hearing the word daddy yibo the girl looked towards yibo who was listening to them.

"Omg, am I dreaming is this really yibo. I have heard so much about you. Not only heard I know a lot about you. You know he does not talk to a lot to people but if he does then only little but then when you are the topic he can speak for his whole life." She said.

"And he also smiles a lot when he talks about you. I love his smile...hehe" A-yuan giggles.

"Who???" Yibo asked. "Ohh, it is A-z"qing was about to say something  but was cut by the phone call.

Phone conversation
"Hello" qing
"Hello, did you find him" other line.
"Yes, I did. And calm down. If you don't it will not be good for your health" she said.
"I know, I will. But how is he and where are you" other line
"He is fine. And we are in***. " She said.
"And listen..." Before she could complete the phone was cut.
"Don't run here" she completes looking at her phone.

After few minutes yibo saw a person running towards them. The person did not care about anything but just kneeled before A-yuan and started checking him.

"Are you ok baby are you hurt anywhere. Do you know how worried I was" the person said

"I am fine Baba you don't have to worry about me, and anyway I was with daddy" A-yuan said.

"A-yuan don't call stranger's daddy. Do you know how dangerous it is" the person shouted.

"I know it is dangerous, but it is daddy yibo" A-yuan said. After hearing daddy yibo the person froze.

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