You pull an amused smirk. "Come to mind dance with me again?"


"Unbound her."

Your eyes open as much as they can at his words. A groan of delight escapes you. You feel something different in him today. His mind is else where, preoccupied. He's annoyed about something.

Two storm troopers draw toward you, standing on either side of the chair. You watch as they unlock the restraints against your arms and legs. You feel a sense of relief.

Weak and helpless, you get pulled forward. Your body falls and lands heavy on the floor, your legs too strengthless to catch you. Your bones sting from the impact. Your elbows, knees and hip bones surely already bruised.

Beside your head you hear footsteps approach you.

Large, strong hands sweep you up from the floor. You stretch your legs out as much as they're able to keep you balanced.

Kylo holds you up, his hands at your underarms. Your eyes directed at his helmet.

"Can you walk?" He asks, more of a demand.

You huff out of annoyance. "What the hell do you think?" You snap at him.

He squeezes your arms before practically throwing you into his stormtroopers.

"Drag her."

Two sets of hands grip onto you and place a new set of restraints around your wrists tight. Pulling you forward as they walk, your shoes dragging on the ground as they stride out of the interrogation room.

The lights in the corridor take a while to get you'd to. You blink, letting your eyes adjust to the bright glow.

You want to be able to focus on where they're taking you. How many turns left and right. Count how any doors or open rooms you pass. But you simply can't. Your eyes would much prefer to be shut than working information into your brain.

The stormtroopers drag you past rooms upon rooms, doors upon doors. It's only then that you realise you must be located on a ship. Since all you can see out of the few windows you've passed, is noting but the blackness of space. Maybe the Finalizer?

Your 'carriers' come to a halt outside an all black glossy door. You eye the back of Kylo as he steps forward in front of it.

It slides open within seconds. Four of the stormtroopers wait back outside in the corridor. The two troopers on your arms and Kylo the only people entering the room.

The room's large. Shiny black floors and walls to complement the door. To the right of the room, a window is present. Showing off the abyss of a sky.

You're dragged further into room and hurled out of the stormtroopers arms, landing hard on the floor. Your restrained hands barely catch you this time.

In front of you, a man stands in all black behind a large desk. His brows crease. Shock written over his face, caught off guard. His porcelain skin glows in the starlight. His ginger hair combed back out of his face.

He snaps his gaze to Kylo. He's angry.

"Commander Ren," he rounds the desk. "What is this?"

Falling for the OrderWhere stories live. Discover now