Jane's dad: Chapter 11

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When Angel get home Jane run to her cuzz of her exitement to tell her the news

"Ohh,hi bestii what's up??"Angel said,questioning Jane.

"Im re-covered!!" Angel said with exitement.

"what?!!" Angel said.

"i beat my cancer"

" REALLY?!!,YESS!!!" Angel said,hugging Jane witth smile.

"im so happy!!"

"by the way,Bestii.."


"where did you go earlier??"Jane said questioning Angel but Angel just go to her room and shut the door.

"phew..that was close"


Jane got confused cuzz she knew that Angel never be like that suspicius

with the necklace on her,she has powers and she have to learn to control it.

She go to her room and opened the portal through the Wolf kingdom.

Everyone heard a wierd noise in a sec but they just ignore it.

When she got arrived she saw her Mother,on the porch drinking coffee just like her addicted to coffee.

Jane walked towards on her Mother.

The queen stood up eith winded eyes and walk to her slowly.

"is this really you,Jane??.."The queen said tearing.

"Its me"Jane said,then her mother hugged her so tight like she dont want to let her go again since she run away to the palace.

"For wolf's sake,I tought you we're dead,thankgoodness your safe"

"mother im fine.."

"where's your beautiful hair my dear"

"i got cancer nnd i was on stage 2 and i lose my hair.."

"ohh my baby,i told you.you shouldn't go to the human world"

"but there we're other creatures there like me,There are sea monster,elf nnd other wolves just like me"

"What then your father must be in that world,have you seen him dear??"

"what do you mean,i tought dad died years ago before i was born"

The queen teared as she sat down the bench with Jane.

"ur Father and i we're couple since i got pregnant to you. ur Father was a wolf to but when her mother finds out that he coupled like him. he cursed ur Father to be a human and put him to Human world and he never returned..."

Jane was shocked when the words came out from her mother.she teared beside her mother

The queen hugged her doughter and kiss her in the forehead


"yes dear?"

"can i use an other necklace cuzz i just need to know something"

"y-yea sure my dear"

They both straight walked to the castle and go to the room of the necklaces of they'r ancestors.well they can use that.Where is she gonna use the necklace??

"here's ur grandmother's necklaces,just pick one my dear"

Jane picked the necklace that has two inside of it,she picked up the necklaces the other one was for Angel.

it has an instruction below.
tap 3x to call
tap 6x to be a human
tap 7x to teleport to the owner of the of the other necklace or somewhere u wanna go.
Tap 8x to transform (imagine what you want to be before saying what you want to be)
tap 5x to open the portal of the world u want

"woah,this one is cool"

"you can have that,its urs now"

"thanks,mother i have to go now,byee"

"Bye my love,take care of urself" the queen shouted.

"i will!!"

Jane tap the necklace 5 x and say the portal that she wanted to go.

"bring me to the human world"

the portal opened to the human world then she walked to it

She got back to her room and gladly no one suspicius anything.she go to Angel's room and sat down with her.

"ohh hi bestii,is there anything i can do to you??"

"actually i just wanted to give you something so that our freindship be forever"

"what do u mean"

Jane explained everything but gladly Angel didn't get mad of it.she wear the necklace and the both try and after gours they know noa how to use it.

"now i need to find my Father,teleport me to my Father"

Angel is holding Jane hand while she's saying where they we're gonna teleport.

They got teleported to a huge building.

"What the heck?!!,Dad lived here"

"your dad must be so rich"

"no he dosen't maybe he just worked here or..he owns this company."

They both went to sign section and asked where is her dad.

"uhmm hey do u know where Mr. Lanante is??"

The lady pointed at the room 6 of where the manager of the company worked.when they get there he saw a man working on its loptop.
They knocked then the manager let them come in.

"hii,uhmm sir can we asked a question??"

"sure what is it??"

"are you Mr. Lanante??"

"ohh yes i am him"


"yes,ma'am and why are you here??"

Jane tell everything and Mr. Lanante shocked about what just came out to Jane's mouth.

"is that you??"

Mr. Lanante cried and told her that he was the man that got cursed.

"yes its me but,how did you know all about that?"

"my mom is Linda and she tells me everything about you"

"wait your her doughter?!!"

"yes and my mission is to find my father"

"Linda is my wife"


"yea,but my mother cursed me and put me here at the human world."

"you must be my dad.."


Jane's dad couldn't speak but Jane knows that he was his Father.

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