Y/N: Ah, okay

We talk for a bit more until the blond boy walks into the common room and we start our game. As I was trying to find a place to hide, I kept thinking about the boy with the blond hair and how he seemed to be in control like the Riddle brothers were. All of a sudden, someone grabbed me and pulled me into a room.

Y/N: Who is the...

Then they put their hand over my mouth and whispered,

?: Shhh

Just then, you heard people outside the door and understand that whoever pulled you into this room was helping you not get caught. When the voices passed, they pulled their hand away from your mouth and backed off. You turned around and looking back at you was the most beautiful green eyes you had ever seen.

Y/N: Thank you for hiding me from them

But all he did was nod, which made you curious.

Y/N: Are you mute? Also, who are you?

The boy looked at me and laughed.

?: No, I'm not mute. Why would you ask that?

Y/N: Well, because I've never heard you talk to anyone since I arrived and I thought you may be mute.

?: Makes sense. Anyways, as for who I am. I'm Draco, Draco Malfoy.

Y/N: Why have I heard that name before?

D: Probably because my father is quite well known so I am known along with the Malfoy name.

Y/N: That could be it. May I ask, why don't you ever talk to anyone?

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