𝟬𝟬𝟳 lovers spit

Start from the beginning

"Depends on how honest you want me to be," he muttered. "I mean like- it depends on what you ask me."

"How did you know you liked Sersi?" she asked, catching him by surprise. "Like in the uh- kissy kissy way."

"How did you know I liked Sersi?" he asked dumbfounded.

"Druig told me," she shrugged. "Said Ajak told him when he went to go get wrap for my hand."

She demonstrated her hand to show a white wrap wrapped around it neatly, stopping any blood that continued oozing out.

"She told him?" he asked in disbelief.

"That's what he said. He said that he went to go ask Ajak a couple of things and you guys just came up somehow," she told him. "But anyway answer the question."

"Why do you wanna know?" he asked, a teasing smile tugging at his lips.

"Just answer the question please," she sighed, becoming inpatient.

He slightly nodded before taking a breath. He looked around while he thought making Arden just get more and more impatient the longer he took.

"I just noticed her?" he spoke, opening his mouth to continue speaking but Arden cut him off.

"Wow you have such a way with words," she spoke, her voice monotone. "That was so romantic and definitely helped me out so so much."

"Can you give me a second?" he grumbled. "I don't remember when I knew I liked her, but what I do know is that once I noticed, I wanted to spend every second doing whatever she liked."

Arden hummed in acknowledgement as she thought. He couldn't possibly like her that way could he? Spending every moment together even if it was just sitting against a wall, away from everyone, sharing a plate of food could possibly be something just friends do. But she didn't want it to be just friends.

"Is there anything else?" she asked hesitantly.

"I think, I would do anything just to keep her happy. No pain, no tears, no heartbreak. Like keeping her in a little bubble, safe from everything." he told her. "And it'd hurt me to see her hurt."

"Why? Trying to figure out if you like them?" he continued.

"Of course I like him, otherwise I wouldn't spend so much time with him. Its the like like part I'm worried about- wait a minute," she spoke, narrowing her eyes.

"Ah so there is someone," he teased. "I didnt even say a name and you already went on a mini rant."

"You're so mean to me," she huffed.

"Come on it was a joke!"


"Arden," Ikaris spoke.


"Who is it?" he asked.

"I was with Druig, like usual," she muttered. "But he made me feel. . .weird this time."

"Druig," Ikaris spoke to himself before shaking his head as if to rid of his thoughts. "Well, explain."

Arden furrowed her eyebrow in question, wondering why he didn't seem upset like the last time she brought him up.

"He made me feel like my chest was gonna collapse and my lungs were gonna give out," she rushed. "It was like I was going to die."

"That's good," Ikaris grinned. "Means you like like him."

"How is that good if I was going to die- wait what," she spoke. "I don't like like him."

"Why'd you react that way then? You wouldn't feel like dying if it was just a simple friendship."

"Ikaris I could stab you right now," Arden threatened.

"What why-" he gasped, taking a cautious step back at her random words.

"I don't know I just feel like it," she told him.

✵ ✵ ✵

"You know," Arden huffed, finally catching sight of Druig sitting against the wall, a plate of food on his lap. "I don't want to like you."

"Oh," he said, watching Arden sit down next to him and take something off of his plate.

"But you make me feel weird," she continued, cutting him off. "And I like being around you."

"Okay," he muttered in a way to tell her to continue. But she never did.

She brought her legs close to her chest and rested her head on her knees, turning to look at Druig making him smile. She smiled back before straightening her back and nudging his shoulder with her head.

"I don't even know what im saying," she sighed, leaning her head back against the wall.

"That's okay," he assured, making a move to pat her thigh comfortingly. "I don't know what you're saying either."

She looked down at his hand on her thigh before looking into his eyes. The two sat there in silence before breaking out into a fit of laughs. Their eyes closed, grins grew bigger, and their laughs echoed in the room they were in.

They didnt know why they were laughing, nothing was really that funny anyway. Yet as their laughter ceased, they turned to face each other again.

Druigs eyes flickered down to her lips before she leaned forward and rested her forehead against his.

They both closed their eyes, their hearts hammering in their chests and their lungs closing as if their breath would scare off the other.

"Can I kiss you?" he whispered, his heart speaking too loud over his brain that told him everything he said would scare her away.

"What?" she whispered back, a bit in shock from his words.

"Can I kiss you," he repeated, less confident that the last time he spoke those exact words for his brain began to get louder and louder. "You don't have to say yes-"

But she didnt care what more he had to say, she put a hand against his cheek and connected her lips with his.

It was the only reasonable thing to do in that moment, her brain told her.

authors note! ━━━━━━━
i was kinda iffy I wanted them to kiss or not are you guys mad 🧍

just had a whole plan but when I was planning it out I realized the movie is way shorter than I thought so its not much slow burn as I wanted it to be :( but its okay cuz I have a new plan

but watch me rewrite this cuz I always hate what I write 😀

also I was trying to write but every time I think of Barry I just feel weird and I wanted it to stop 😁 so sorry this took a while :/

also lmk if there's like a gap or something weird idk

also lmk if there's like a gap or something weird idk

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